The evolution of injection attacks: How they’ve changed over the years and what bug bounty hunters need to know

3 min readOct 17, 2023

Injection attacks have been a persistent threat to web applications and databases for years. They allow attackers to manipulate the input of an application to execute unintended commands, often leading to data breaches and unauthorized access. In this article, we’ll explore the evolution of injection attacks, how they’ve changed over the years, and what bug bounty hunters need to know to stay ahead of these threats.

A Brief History of Injection Attacks

Injection attacks date back to the early days of software development, with the first-known injection attack being the SQL Injection (SQLi) attack. SQLi allowed attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands in web applications that were not properly sanitizing input data. As developers became more aware of SQLi, they implemented security measures, but attackers adapted and found new ways to exploit applications.

The Evolution of Injection Attacks

  1. SQL Injection (SQLi)

SQLi attacks remain prevalent, but developers have learned to implement parameterized queries and input validation to mitigate them.

2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

These attacks inject malicious scripts into web pages, often through user input fields. Modern applications implement Content Security Policies (CSP) to counter XSS.

3. Command Injection

Beyond SQLi, command injection attacks have evolved to target operating system commands and APIs. Attackers can execute arbitrary code on the server if not properly mitigated.

4. Injection

As NoSQL databases gained popularity, attackers found ways to exploit them through similar injection techniques. Proper validation and encoding can mitigate NoSQL injection attacks.

5. Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)

SSTI attacks involve injecting malicious code into server-side templates. Developers need to validate and sanitize template data to prevent exploitation.

6. XML and XPath Injection

With the increasing use of XML in applications, attackers target XML parsers and XPath expressions. Proper input validation and encoding are essential.

7. Serverless Function Injection

As serverless computing becomes more common, attackers target serverless functions to execute arbitrary code. Security configurations and proper code review are crucial.

What Bug Bounty Hunters Need to Know

Bug bounty hunters play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating injection vulnerabilities. Here’s what they need to keep in mind:

  1. Stay Updated → Injection attacks continue to evolve. Stay informed about the latest attack vectors and techniques by following security blogs, attending conferences, and participating in security forums.
  2. Learn Secure Coding → Understand how developers can prevent injection attacks through secure coding practices like input validation, parameterized queries, and encoding.
  3. Test Widely → Test applications for various types of injection vulnerabilities, including SQLi, XSS, and command injection. Be thorough in your assessments.
  4. Verify Reports → If you discover a potential injection vulnerability, ensure it’s exploitable and report it responsibly to the organization hosting the application.
  5. Collaborate with Developers → Work closely with developers and security teams to understand the application’s architecture and potential attack surfaces.
  6. Leverage Tools → Use security testing tools like Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, and other scanners to assist in identifying injection vulnerabilities.
  7. Educate Others → Share your knowledge and findings with the broader security community. Encourage others to stay vigilant against injection attacks.

Injection attacks have come a long way since the early days of SQL Injection. The evolution of these threats continues, and bug bounty hunters play a vital role in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities. Staying informed about the changing attack landscape, learning secure coding practices, and collaborating with developers are essential steps in keeping web applications and databases secure. As technology advances, so must the skills and knowledge of those who protect it.




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