The evolving venture of Lando Funk

Christopher Joseph
4 min readApr 28, 2022


In the evolution of recorded music from its beginnings in different sections of the world as people traveled and moved, many sub-genres formed from blending different styles by experimental musicians. Paired with the evolution of instruments within the last century, musicians have developed most of these categories from the original Classical, Folk, Gospel, and Rhythm & Blues. With such a rich category of different genres and tastes many subcategories have emerged such as Punk or Grunge, Afro-Rhythm, or Ska and Thrash. Looking over the bible of the music industry Billboard, specific genres were exploding at the end of the last century.

How ironic our beloved internet stepped in at the turn of the century and essentially took over. It took over EVERYTHING, including music as the headlines read Napster file-sharing was destroying everything the music industry had built up. Ideally, a lot of negative practices such as payola and shady record deals were gladly eliminated but so were a lot of positive aspects such as Artist Reprotoire that discovered and cultivated new talent crafting artists to not only be a success for themselves and for the record company. The right mentoring helped artists take control of their music and business, helping them control finances and their personal life away from the spotlight as well as inside the spotlight. The balancing act was extremely tricky and unfortunately, this led to many instances of fraud and outright theft. A good example was Clive Davis and Whitney Houston, a bad example was Suge Knight and every artist under him.

The good portions need a look-over, a kickback, to be reinvented for the digital arts renaissance. Since 2000 the art medium has been changing at a faster rate than in all previous renaissance for all forms. It’s a literal free for all. As free form networks are wonderful for artists and fans alike with so many opportunities the problem is there are So Many Opportunities. Artists are jumping into NFTs now, I’m still uncertain what that even is. Gone are the days an unknown talent can post their talent on Youtube and generate thousands of viewers and fans by trending before the music industry comes calling and makes them the next megastar. Everyone and their twice-removed cousin and Grandpa Earnest have a demo, and it’s posted online for the world to see their so-called talent. The internet is cluttered.

Sorry trenders and influencers, you may have to put some type of work into your craft before you become the next Tiktok or Instagram sensation. Talent plays a key craft in this as not everyone possesses this. One thing that hasn’t changed is the need for learning your craft somehow, someway either through reading, watching videos, having a mentor, taking classes, or actually practicing before sharing it with the world. World-class athletes do this for years before the Olympics, why wouldn’t the next Michael Jackson not put in the work?

The music industry expects you to have all this in motion before they even take a gamble on you now, that’s smart for them and for you. You as an artist should have all your p’s and q’s in play including knowing the business side of the industry so as not to be handed a shady deal robbing you of potential thousands of money. Having an entertainment lawyer in play is a great idea.

An independent artist & repertoire company could come into play that truly looks out for an artist and their best interests. Similar in vein to acting, writing, or sports agents without the illicit sensationalism involved. Where it handles traditional and social media marketing, booking, publicity, publishing, and contract advice, it could press and market products but without long-term contracts. The A&R advises when to stream or not stream. When to release a physical copy and when not to. It’s all about getting their client relevant in the age of irrelevancy. The artist retains masters, their name, and imagery for if they want to step up to the next level it stays in their hands, their control. This comes at a price as this is all invaluable service but overall it’s all for the love of the music period. Sponsors and investors could play a role in assisting underprivileged talent by supporting proven results.

Lando Funk is poised to be that needed company, to cultivate and build worthy artists to take them to the next level. To be that middle man to find obscure talent that may be the next big thing. As the artist themselves may not have funding to support their craft or to finance management funding can come from sponsors or investors for a return on their funding when the artist is signed to a label. A flat rate, a flat fee. At this level, the political and financial gain would be non-existent and discouraged. The team would be devoted to lifting said artists up for this duration to present them to a worthy label primarily for the love of the craft. Artist and repertoire for the new millennium. Accepting offers now. Let’s Build! DM’s are open.



Christopher Joseph

My passion lies in writing. I embarked on a writing quest once a mysterious typewriter appeared on my family's porch.