Layers of Soil Science Project for Kids

Lane Fournerat (LaneVids)
1 min readJan 9, 2017


Our local library does a great program called Little Scientists. Our librarian puts together these fun projects and activities for our kids to participate in. This project was a fun edible science experiment to demonstrate the Layers of the Soil.

Here are all of the supplies that you need to do this project.

Small Plastic cups:

The layers of the soil are divided into 3 different layers. They are:

- Bedrock: Chocolate Chips and Butterscotch Chips: &
- Subsoil: Jello Pudding:
- Top Soil: Broken Oreo Cookies:

Also to make it even more fun, our librarian had some green sprinkles for grass and some gummy works to put on top.

Green Sprinkles:
Gummy Worms:

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Lane Fournerat (LaneVids)

A dad checking out products to help you make better buying decisions to save time and money & avoid frustration and headaches. I also love to travel.