Things To Do in Baton Rouge, LA

Lane Fournerat (LaneVids)
2 min readOct 3, 2017


Our family lives about 1 hour from Baton Rouge, LA, so I figured that I would do some searching on the internet for things to do in Baton Rouge, LA.

Our family loves to go on hikes, so we found a couple of hiking trails that we thought would be perfect for Amelia & Jacques.

The first one was the Comite Hiking / Biking trails along the Comite River. We were pleasantly surprised that the trails leads to a beach on the river so we got to get our feet wet for a little bit. See video above for this hike.

Comite River

The second one was the Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center. The nature center had some really cool exhibits of all of the animals that are in the area, and a play area for your kids after you go on your hike.

There is also a geocaches along one of the trials if you guys are into geocaching. We found it!

Another fun thing to do in Baton Rouge is to go to Blue Bayou / Dixie Landin’. It’s a water park / theme park and I wanted to ride the new Aqualoops slide (an upside down water slide). Here’s a video of my day there one day.

I can’t wait to take the kids there one day after they are comfortable putting their heads underwater. Amelia is doing great, but Jacques is going a little slower.

Near Baton Rouge is a little unknown place called LIGO. If you are into space / science / astronomy, then you will love this place. I’ll do into more details in another post, but here’s a video of the fun times that we had there:

We would love to connect with you on YouTube and on Instagram.



Lane Fournerat (LaneVids)

A dad checking out products to help you make better buying decisions to save time and money & avoid frustration and headaches. I also love to travel.