How to bypass Debug Disabling on SM32F103

Mark C.
5 min readFeb 3, 2018


Tl;Dr — it’s really quite easy.


There is a good case to state that modern devices are moving towards a very slightly more homogenised ecosystem. This is signalled by the number of cheap, easily available ARM-based microcontrollers and microprocessors available on the market.

ARM offers many features ‘as standard’ across various applications, and with low-price IC’s on the market, there is a good chance that the uptake of ARM architecture will continue. The STM32 series of microcontrollers are quite popular with developers owing to good physical/performance properties, as well as a low price point.

We will take a quick look at the STM32F103 (specifically the STM32F103C8T6 IC) — and how you can disable debug protections and CRP. These are nifty little Cortex-M3 based chips with 64kb Flash, 20kb RAM, and clocked at up to 72MHz. You can see why they might be popular.

The Problem

Implementations of ARM can vary wildly. There are some standard features that are either missed out or reconfigured completely — each IC manufacturer is left to their own devices (←pun) for how they produce ARM chips.

There are two protection mechanisms that are usually recommended by hardware/embedded/IoT security people:

  1. Disable Debug ports — JTAG and SWD disable
  2. Enable firmware protections e.g. Code Readout Protection

We want to look to see if we can disable these protections on the target IC — the STM32F103.

Disabling Debug

The first is quite straightforward — for STM32F103 you simply set __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_DISABLE(); in the standard file stm32f1xx_hal_msp.c (if you are using STCubeMX generated output — you can do something similar with libopencm3, too).

This is the default configuration of STCubeMX-generated firmware source projects. Meanwhile, the IC’s themselves ship with SWD Enabled but the flash being locked — but this is trivial to unlock over SWD.

But once such a firmware with SWD/JTAG debugging disabled is applied, then this device no longer can be debugged. At least, that is the idea.

So, our initial scenario is an STM32F103 device with Debug Disabled.

Bypassing Disabled Debug

All this said, there are two pins that should be brought to attention — the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins. These are designed to be used to trigger fallback/default modes on the IC — and as usual, this can spell disaster if you’re trying to hide some IP.

Specifically, we first want to use BOOT0, which is pin 44 on the LQFP48/UFQFP48 packages. Here is the attack for this:


  • We need to raise this BOOT0 pin to 3.3V and then power cycle the IC
  • Acquire a copy of the firmware
  • Patch the firmware to enable SWD debugging
  • Re-flash the new firmware to have the device with debugging enabled

So, first, we raise the voltage of pin 44 to 3.3V. If you’re playing along at home with a Blue Pill development board, you’ll note that this is one of the two jumper pin options on the top of the board.

Here is the board before and after we apply the change to BOOT0:

[ please ignore the terrible change of lighting ]

We will now see that we can debug the IC, and dump firmware using SWD. That’s it. That’s the first part of the attack. Having issues? You can just use mbr to cycle through all the addresses on the flash using a script, or dump the image, both using the openOCD client, an STLink-V2 USB-to-SWD interface, and a little bit of time/SSD space.

Once you have acquired the firmware, how can we enable debugging on the code? Well, first, we reassemble the firmware into some firmware.bin file.

With this done, we need to do some binary editing. Here is the diff between two otherwise identical firmware files — the first has debug disabled, and the second (lower) has SWD Enabled.

vbindiff — look at the bits in RED

As you can see, at 0x00000F18, the 2-byte word there is the only thing that is different. So, search for 0x8062 at the same address in our target firmware and patch it to be 0x0072, and then re-flash the firmware onto the STM32F103 chip.

We can then lower the BOOT0 pin voltage, power cycle the IC, and then we should have (possibly with a little more hacking) SWD enabled on our target firmware.

…and now for something CRP

Code Readout Protection (CRP) is fairly standard on many ARM-based IC’s. On STM32 IC’s it is referred to PCROP (Proprietary Code ReadOut Protection) if we want to protect a block of flash ROM, or generically RDP (Read Protection) if we want to prevent memory dumping on the devices.

(STM have a habit of doing this slightly askew renaming… ARM tech specs call the first UART port UART0, whereas STM call it USART1 because why the hell not?…)

In theory, with CRP enabled, we cannot read out the firmware in order to carry out the above attack.

Bypassing PRCOP on STM32F103

Easy — it’s not implemented. Yeah, anticlimax, I know.

RDP is on these F1 series IC’s, according to some documents like the line above the red box in the screenshot, but in slide 7 of this ( it is not shown as being present.

It transpires that RDP is indeed enabled, and is active on the STM32F103, however, a preliminary test shows that it should be vulnerable to this attack: — will try this out and update this article accordingly.

PCROP is only available on the STM32 lines F4, L0, L1, and L4, whilst RDP is only available on IC’s from the F0, F2, F3, F4, F7, L0, L1, and L4 lines, but with the STM32F405 nor STM32F407 (see p.12 of this: series IC’s as exceptions without PCROP. As you can see, this is a bit of a mess… You can get some details from documents like this (, but by and large, specific details are quite hard to come by.

The differentiation between the two is rather strange, and is a current topic of interest for me. More news as it happens :)

Further Attacks

There are other attacks possible — if you raise both BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins, you can use the SRAM bootloader to upload/download firmware using USART ports on the STM32F103, but this requires the second BOOT1 pin, and this isn’t always available on all packages.

For details, see here:


Many hardware hackers have said, again and again, that Kerckhoff’s Principle should be assumed when building firmware for devices, explicitly;

The device should have a level of security across its ecosystem, even if the firmware, but not all of the individual device secrets, are known.

Disabling debug is a good idea, as is turning on CRP, but the key takeaway is do not rely on these things! Someone with enough time, determination, and Red Bull is all that will stand between a researcher and your device IP.

Interested in more? See this talk from Cybergibbons at BSides Leeds last month:

and see this work from the SeeMoo group at TU Darmstadt:

Watch this space for more on this kind of topic. The battle against debug disabling is on, and the game is afoot!!



Mark C.

Postgrad. Reseacher/Consultant; Maths/infosec. Formerly a violinist & magician. Jazz thinker w/out portfolio. Weakly inaccessible... Views are solely my own.