The Oedipal-Complex-In-Hamlet-In-William (Essay Example)

Larry Albano
2 min readJun 21, 2024


From the very beginning of the play, it is evident that Hamlet has a deep affection for his mother. This is demonstrated when he refers to her as “most pernicious woman” and expresses his disgust at her hasty marriage to his uncle Claudius shortly after his father’s death. Hamlet’s anger and resentment towards his mother can be seen as a manifestation of his Oedipal feelings towards her. He feels betrayed and abandoned by her actions, which fuels his desire for revenge and ultimately sets the stage for the tragic events that follow. Additionally, Hamlet’s interactions with Claudius also reveal elements of the Oedipal complex. As the new king and Hamlet’s stepfather, Claudius represents a rival for the affections of Gertrude, as well as a threat to Hamlet’s rightful place as heir to the throne. This creates a power struggle between the two men, with Hamlet harboring feelings of jealousy and resentment towards Claudius. The tension between them reaches its peak in the climactic final scene, where their unresolved conflicts culminate in a deadly confrontation. Overall, the Oedipal complex in “Hamlet” adds a layer of psychological depth to the complex relationships between the characters and provides insight into the inner turmoil of the protagonist. Through exploring Hamlet’s conflicting emotions towards his mother and stepfather, Shakespeare delves into the complexities of human nature and the impact of unresolved family dynamics on individual behavior. The Oedipal themes in the play serve as a reminder of the enduring relevance of Shakespeare’s work and its ability to resonate with audiences across time and culture.


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