Death of An Iconic Brand: RIP Toys R Us

Larry Boyer
5 min readJun 29, 2018

Today we say good-bye to another iconic brand. At least in the US Toys R Us has touched most, if not everyone, alive today. That’ makes it’s passing at age 70 all the more heart felt. With so many people sharing experiences, growing up with the store and bring their own children, it’s much like losing a part of the family.

I for one grew up with Toys R Us, and later enjoyed bringing my sons to Toys R Us, sharing the wonder of all that was there. Some of the most special moments were in the Times Square store watching the T-Rex roar to life and exploring floor after floor of toys. A child’s paradise for sure. Please feel share your memories.

At look back at Toys R Us

Born in June 1948 in Washington, DC, Toys R Us went from it’s humble beginnings in the baby furniture store, Children’s Bargain Town to have 1,690 locations around the world. It’s founder, Charles Lazarus, passed away just 3 months ago (October 3, 1923 — March 22, 2018). Lazarus was 25 when he founded the store. He stepped down as CEO and Chairman in 1994

The success of the Children’s Supermarket came as Lazarus followed the business principle of the entrepreneur — give your customers what they want. When he first opened the story he had requests for baby toys. As his success grew customers asked for toys for older children as well. He…



Larry Boyer

Larry Boyer is an analytics leader who enjoys working with the interplay of people, processes and technology.