Why is seeking God important?

Larry Shankle
5 min readFeb 13, 2017


It seems that everyone is looking for a magic key that will help them unlock all the things they need or want for their life. If you have lived for very long, you know that no such key exists.

Hard work and effort are rewarded. If you work hard and strive to put in your best effort, most of the time you will be rewarded for your effort. This isn’t always true, but it works most of the time.

The Bible says that we reap what we sow. This principle of sowing and reaping is something that we should take into account as we make our decisions. The reason is simple: What you do plants a seed that comes back to you.

However, we still long for an edge in life…a secret that will take us further faster. It is the quest for a magic key.

  • Everyone wants to ease the stress-load they carry, so they seek a magic key.
  • Everyone wants to make life easier, so they seek a magic key.
  • Everyone wants to have a better life, so they seek a magic key.

I’ve observed this in all kinds of people over the years.

What I’m about to show you is not a magic key, but it is a key secret to living the life you were created to live. What is the key secret? Seeking God.

Seeking God is the key that unlocks the life you were created for.

It seems that Christians don’t want to hear this statement anymore. We had rather pursue the latest and greatest advice from an “expert.” Life, we assume, would be better and easier if everything was simply “done for you.”

What If you never had to make a hard choice, and all the stress you feel could just disappear? What if you could simply avoid failure, and you never had to worry about the direction your life was going? Wouldn’t it be nice to live like that?

What believers once understood as the most important thing in our spiritual arsenal, has now been relegated to the spiritual storage room.

However, I will say again: Seeking God is the key that unlocks the life you were created for.

The truth is, seeking God still works…

  • If you want to live the life God designed for you to live, you need to seek God.
  • If you want to go forward and find the peace that you long for, you need to seek God.
  • If you want to make a difference in your life, you need to seek God.

This spiritual action of seeking God is the key to nearly everything in life. Some people have such trouble with being obedient and faithful to God. They are in the boat one minute and out of it the next. There’s a reason for that; they are living life from the standpoint of their own strength and effort.

Seeking God is the key that unlocks the life you were created for. It is the secret to a life well-lived. Why? Because, when you seek God, several powerful actions take place.

  1. You begin to draw near to God. James 4:8
  2. God draws near to you. James 4:8
  3. Your mind becomes aware of God’s presence. Acts 17:28
  4. You start gaining clarity because of God’s promptings. Acts 15:28
  5. A sense of direction and mission envelope you. Acts 4:20
  6. You feel peace, security, God’s love, and acceptance. Philippians 4:7 | Romans 8:37–39

Any one of these things are important, but having all six is life-changing. I hear some believers talk about how you should not seek to have the best life possible like somehow it is wrong to want your life to be good. But come on, I don’t know anyone who wants their life to be the worst life possible, do you? NO.

If seeking God not only brings me closer to him but also leads me to the life he designed me to live, then I am going to seek God for BOTH reasons!

Now, someone may be asking the question: What does it mean to seek God?

The action of seeking God is simply this: Pursuing God’s desires instead of your own while talking to him and getting to know him better.

Learning to seek God is not hard.

Learning to seek God is not hard. Click To Tweet

Some super-spiritual types would lead you to believe that seeking God is a painful process that requires long hours and quitting everything in life that you enjoy. However, this is NOT TRUE.

Seeking God brings joy into your life. If you end up spending hours in the presence of God, it will be because you want to, not because you have to. When you seek God, you build a relationship with him. Humans are created for relationships, so building one with God will come naturally. Any relationship with God that doesn’t feel completely natural is something that’s taking you down the wrong path.

Every relationship involves give and take. It is no different in your relationship with God. He wants you to enjoy being with him and hearing from him. I’ve seen people who run from seeking God because they are so afraid of what he might ask of them, that they run from the very thing that would set them free.

Listen: God has your best interests in mind. He wants what is good for you, and he has a desire to bring great joy into your life.

Seeking God is the key that unlocks the life you were created for.

If joy, peace, security, freedom from fear, and acceptance sounds like something you want and need, I want you to know; you can have them.

Any relationship with God that doesn’t feel completely natural is something that’s taking you down the wrong path.Click To Tweet

Here’s what you need to do you to do this week:

  1. Start talking to God. Talk to him like a real person. Don’t think of it as prayer time. Instead, think of your prayers as communicating with your best friend.
  2. Read examples of prayer in the Bible. The book of Psalms is one of the best places I know to start looking for prayer examples. Once you see how other people have communicated with God, you can do the same.
  3. Share your secret desires with God. What is it that you want out of life? Tell God. What are you sad, upset, or encouraged about? Tell God. What is the one thing you hope beyond hope will work out? Tell God. As you let God in on your secret desires, he will open up your mind to see even greater possibilities.

If there is a magic key, seeking God is the closest thing to it. Seeking God is the key that unlocks the life you were created for.

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Originally published at larryshankle.com on February 13, 2017.



Larry Shankle

🔹Writing about Faith, Influence, and Purpose🔹Pastor, Blogger, Author 🔹larryshankle.com