Actually, purple smog can be very good for the multiversal economy.

Lars Hylobates
3 min readAug 21, 2021


One of many universes ravaged by purple smog.

In recent times, a lot of us have been hearing shocking stories from beyond our own comfy home universes. Many variants of Faztion Dynamics across the multiverse have been attacking arbitrary universes, flooding them with a chemical referred to as “purple smog”. This has lead to a multiversal war, where T.B.C.’s A.N.A.L. Council is fighting against all of these rogue FazDyns.

But despite the war and the suffering of trillions of trillions of people in many of these smog-contaminated universes, the smog has found various other uses by different T.B.C.s in the neighboring fringes of contaminated universes.

FRFR-19485 T.B.C. economist S. Purplez argues “It is very possible to make a good profit from smog-contaminated universes. My arguments for that are listed in my book, which you can purchase from T.B.C. Amazon right after this interview if you would like to know all about my well-informed stance.”

In his book, Purplez illustrates several examples of how clean universes are able to capitalize on their smog-infested neighbor universes in a variety of ways. For example, In Purplez’s own universe, “Bottled Smog” has become a novel luxury. “A businessman’s office is not complete without a bottle of smog on his desk”, the book claims. Many among high society have even installed smog tanks in their mansion living rooms. This smog can be a “pain in the ass” to siphon from contaminated universes, but the profits more than make up for the costs of collecting it.

In other nearby universes, some T.B.C.s have even capitalized on the smog attacks with “SmogMyHome”, a unique service which allows people to pay a certain amount of money to be sent pictures of landmarks and even their own homes in a neighboring smog-contaminated universe. “The people love it”, says Mike Lindell, head of the SmogMyHome development team. “I honestly could not think of a better gift to get for the special people in your life. It’s a cozy reminder of how good you and your family have it, and that things could be WAY worse in your home universe.” Mike Lindell has not been heard from since a purple smog invasion occurred in his home universe a week after our interview took place.

Of course, this capitalization comes with its critics and moral questions. Many ethics groups argue that such actions are absolutely abhorrent and that the T.B.C.s of these universes should be investing their resources into helping contaminated worlds rather than producing solid smog keychains. Most Zoo Men are very hard to get in touch with for their own opinions on these actions, and even most T.B.C. spokespeople have refused to acknowledge the critics of these capitalization tactics, while promoting t-shirts depicting a smiling sun wearing sunglasses surrounded by the smog, with a caption reading “SMOGGY DAYS!”, on their social medias.



Lars Hylobates

Home universe FRFR-00402. Blogger and social media influencer. Mainly multiversal politics.