Why I’m Happy I Chose Not to Transfer

The Last of The Dreamers
3 min readDec 14, 2015


Ah, Freshman Year.

As soon as you got your acceptance letter, all of a sudden it started to hit you. The realization that you’re going to be leaving the place you spent the last 18 or so years of your life. The place where your family, friends, and memories are. How are you supposed to just up and leave?

For me, I couldn’t wait. I was excited for the next chapter in my life. I couldn’t wait to meet new friends and make memories that lasted a lifetime.

Then, you get the email with all the information you need on how to register for Orientation. I wasted no time in signing up and choosing the first date.

At first, I was really nervous for my orientation. For the first time, I was going to something where I didn’t know anybody. Not to mention it was an overnight, so I was going to get assigned a random girl for my roommate.

Orientation turned out to be a blast. The orientation leaders were so spirited and you could tell they genuinely loved the school. I met some really amazing people, some of which I am still good friends with today. When I left orientation, I immediately set a countdown for freshman move in.

Finally, the day came. My roommate, whom I met over facebook and met at orientation, had already moved in. I got my room ready, went to one last lunch with my family, and then said my goodbyes.

I was at college, completely on my own.

As the fall semester wore on, I started to grow really homesick. I did not like the school. It was harder to make friends than I thought, and everyone seemed to go home on the weekends. I hated the people that lived on my floor. I would see instagram posts from my friends at other schools going out on the weekends and found myself to be incredibly jealous. It was miserable. My friend and I would count down until long weekends and breaks. I went home as many weekends as I could.

Once November rolled around, sorority recruitment sign up went live. I was always one of those girls that shook their heads at sororities and swore I would never join one. But I figured I would give it a try, considering I didn’t really have much to lose.

Spring semester 2014 was the semester that completely changed the way I looked at my school. I ended up joining a sorority and that helped significantly. It opened up so many doors for me that I did not even know were there. It made me feel more confident in myself, I met a group of people I now couldn’t imagine my life without, and I got the most amazing little who has completely changed my life for the better.

Without joining my sorority, I honestly dont know where I would be. Yes, I’ve had my ups and downs with it. Yes, I’ve considered just calling it quits. Yes, it always seems more trouble than it’s worth. But without it, I know I would have transferred. My freshman year self would not have allowed me to stay here for 3 more years. I would not have gained the confidence to go out for leadership positions and I can say that my time here at Bridgewater was truly shaped by this organization.

Through the group of friends I made in my organization, I was able to branch out and make more friends. I found myself to be far more social, and for that I am forever thankful.

Now, I cannot imagine myself at another school. There are things I desperately wish I could change about my school (the food being the first) but you would get that with any school. Not every school is perfect. You’re not going to feel immediately at home at your school. But it’s important to know that even though it may take some time in the beginning, it will feel like home eventually. Do not give up.



The Last of The Dreamers

20 | College Student | I enjoy the simple things in life