15+ ChatGPT Prompts for Irresistible Email Marketing

Lata Tewari
6 min readJun 18, 2024


Email marketing, the veteran of digital marketing strategies, still holds immense power to nurture leads, boost sales, and build lasting customer relationships. But crafting compelling emails that stand out in a crowded inbox can be a difficult task.

This comprehensive guide dives into the world of ChatGPT prompts, exploring how to leverage its capabilities to create irresistible email sequences for various industries. We’ll move beyond simple copy generation and delve into the strategic framework that underpins effective email marketing.

The Formula for Success: Relevance, Engagement, and Action

Strong email marketing boils down to three key ingredients:

  1. Relevance: Your emails must resonate with your target audience. They should address their specific pain points and offer solutions that align with their needs.
  2. Engagement: Captivate your audience with personalized content, intriguing storytelling, and a conversational tone. Spark their curiosity and make them eager to read further.
  3. Action: Clearly guide your readers towards the desired outcome. Whether it’s a website visit, a product purchase, or a service inquiry, provide a clear call to action (CTA) that compels them to take the next step.

Beyond the Copy: A Strategic Approach with ChatGPT

While ChatGPT excels at generating email copy, the true magic lies in understanding the “why” behind its suggestions. We’ll utilize ChatGPT to craft effective emails, but also explore the strategic thinking that informs its output.

Crafting the Perfect Prompt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s embark on a journey of crafting impactful emails using strategic ChatGPT prompts. Here’s a step-by-step approach we’ll apply across different industries:

Setting the Stage:

Before diving in, clear the conversation history with ChatGPT to ensure a fresh start. Then, establish the context for your project. Briefly explain your industry, target audience, and the overall goal of the email sequence.

Example Prompt: “We’re an e-commerce store selling outdoor gear. We want to create a welcome email sequence for new customers, aiming to introduce them to our brand and encourage them to explore our product categories.”

Defining the Mission:

Clearly define the specific objective of each email within the sequence.

Possible Goals:

  • Welcome new customers and offer a discount code.
  • Showcase popular product categories and their benefits.
  • Share customer testimonials and success stories.
  • Re-engage inactive customers with personalized recommendations.
  • Offer exclusive deals for upcoming sales or promotions.

Finding Your Voice:

In most cases, simply providing context is sufficient to establish the email tone. However, for specific situations, you can provide additional guidance.

Example Prompt (for playful e-commerce brand): “Maintain the brand’s friendly and humorous tone while composing the email copy.”

Refining the Rough Draft:

The initial output from ChatGPT might be generic. Don’t hesitate to refine it by providing specific feedback or posing follow-up questions.

Example Prompt: “The subject line feels a bit generic. Can you make it more specific and intriguing, highlighting a customer benefit?”

A Buffet of Options:

Don’t settle for just one draft! Request multiple variations of subject lines and email body copy. This allows you to choose the best option or conduct A/B testing to identify the most effective approach.

Keeping it Concise:

Conciseness is key in today’s fast-paced world. Specify character limits for subject lines based on the platform (e.g., email client, mobile app notification).

Learning from the Machine:

Treat ChatGPT as a valuable mentor. Ask it to explain the reasoning behind its email structure and content choices.

Example Prompt: “Can you elaborate on why you included a social proof element in this email?”

Going Beyond the AI:

Use ChatGPT’s insights as a springboard for further exploration. Research best practices for email marketing in your specific industry. Look for recommendations from recognized email marketing experts.

Industry-Specific Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

Now, let’s explore how to leverage ChatGPT prompts to create impactful email sequences for various industries:


  • Welcome Series:
  • Prompt: “Craft a warm welcome email for new customers, thanking them for signing up and offering a discount code for their first purchase. Briefly highlight the brand’s unique selling proposition (USP) and include a call to action to explore popular product categories.”
  • Prompt: “Generate a follow-up email for customers who haven’t made a purchase yet. Offer personalized product recommendation and highlights benefits.”
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery:
  • Prompt: “Write a compelling email reminding customers about their abandoned cart. Briefly showcase the abandoned items and highlight their benefits. Offer free shipping or a limited-time discount to incentivize purchase.”
  • Post-Purchase Series:
  • Prompt: “Create a post-purchase email thanking the customer for their order and providing estimated delivery timelines. Include tracking information and offer helpful resources like product care guides or assembly instructions (if applicable).”
  • Prompt: “Generate a follow-up email a few weeks after purchase, requesting a customer review. Offer a small incentive for completing the review, such as bonus points in a loyalty program.”
  • Re-Engagement Campaign:
  • Prompt: “Craft a win-back email for inactive customers. Segment the audience based on their past purchase history and suggest relevant product recommendations. Offer a re-engagement discount to entice them back to the store.”

IT Services:

  • Welcome Series:
  • Prompt: “Compose a welcome email for new clients, thanking them for choosing your IT services. Briefly introduce your team and expertise, highlighting specific areas where you can address their IT needs.”
  • Prompt: “Generate a follow-up email outlining a complimentary consultation to assess their current IT infrastructure and identify potential areas for improvement.”
  • Case Study Showcase:
  • Prompt: “Write an email showcasing a successful client case study. (share brief of case study). Briefly summarize the client’s challenges and how your IT services provided solutions. Include a call to action to schedule a free consultation.”
  • Security Awareness Campaign:
  • Prompt: “Create an informative email promoting cybersecurity best practices. Educate subscribers on common cyber threats and provide actionable tips to protect their data. Offer a free downloadable resource like a cybersecurity checklist.”
  • Maintenance Reminder:
  • Prompt: “Generate a reminder email notifying clients about upcoming IT maintenance scheduled for their systems. Explain the purpose of the maintenance and potential downtime windows. Offer alternative support options if needed.”

Other Services (Examples):

  • Consulting Services:
  • Prompt: “Craft a welcome email for new consulting clients, outlining the next steps in the engagement process. Schedule an initial meeting to discuss project goals and expectations.”
  • Travel Agencies:
  • Prompt: “Compose an email promoting a new travel destination or a limited-time travel package. Highlight the unique benefits and inclusions of the package. Use captivating visuals and a sense of urgency to drive bookings.”
  • Fitness Studios:
  • Prompt: “Generate a welcome email for new gym members, outlining the studio’s facilities and class offerings. Include a call to action to schedule a free personal training session or group fitness class.”

Remember, these prompts are just a starting point! Experiment with different approaches and leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to refine your email copy.

Beyond ChatGPT: The Power of Personalization

While ChatGPT excels at generating creative content, personalization remains key in email marketing. Utilize customer data to personalize subject lines, email greetings, and product recommendations. This level of personalization can significantly increase open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions.

Testing and Optimization: The Art of Continuous Improvement

Don’t treat email marketing as a one-shot process. A/B test different subject lines, email structures, and CTAs to identify what resonates best with your audience. Track key email metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to measure the success of your campaigns. Use this data to continuously refine your approach and optimize your email marketing efforts.

A Winning Partnership: Human Creativity and AI Power

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can revolutionize your email marketing strategy. By leveraging its capabilities for content generation and strategic prompting, you can create compelling email sequences that resonate with your audience and drive business growth. However, remember that ChatGPT is a tool, not a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking. Use it to enhance your strategic planning and unleash your creative potential for crafting truly impactful email experiences.

Embrace the power of AI and unleash the potential of your email marketing!

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Lata Tewari

CMO| Digital Storytelling Leader | Marketing Innovator | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | Become the best version of yourself.