Introducing LaunchGarden: The First Launchpad Built on Oasis Network

3 min readDec 22, 2021


One of the greatest challenges facing new crypto projects remains building a loyal community of passionate members from scratch. Getting people worldwide to believe in your project enough to invest in it takes the right combination of networking, marketing, appealing incentives, innovation, and trust. That’s where we come in.

What Is LaunchGarden?

As Oasis Network’s first native crypto launchpad, LaunchGarden (LG) facilitates this interaction by providing promising projects with simple, instant access to the Oasis Network community, attracting early investors/users and helping to foster a thriving user community. But it’s much more than just a platform to introduce new Oasis dapps.

It’ll also allow users to stake their $ROSE and participate in airdrops for early access to the project tokens debuting on LaunchGarden. Soon additional features like a verifiable digital identity could advance the DeFi industry by making it more compliant and efficient, while “supercharged staking” will make it incredibly attractive for developers to choose the Oasis Network as their primary layer-1 blockchain.

What’s a Crypto Launchpad?

Similar to Kickstarter or GoFundMe, a crypto launchpad is a Web3 platform that helps promising crypto projects get off the ground by providing crucial resources like financing (via token sales), marketing/promo campaigns, and community support from their native blockchain’s ecosystem. But being featured on a launchpad doesn’t guarantee success; a new project must be able to stand on its own–solid utility, a unique angle, and a loyal following–if it’s to survive.

LaunchGarden’s Distinct Features

LaunchGarden allows projects to engage with the Oasis Network community multiple ways:

Airdrops & staking: The projects can issue airdrops and generate staking campaigns for their tokens. Both staking and airdrops allow projects to configure distribution parameters such as whitelisting addresses, minimum and maximum amounts received for each address and the duration of the campaign.

Multi-Campaigns: Projects can engage their community with different goals by simultaneously having a month-long staking campaign and multiple airdrops for supporters who interact with projects on social media and contribute through content creation.

Dual $ROSE Staking: Delegate your Oasis tokens to the LaunchGarden validator and earn staking rewards like $ROSE and $GRDN, the native LaunchGarden token, along with tokens of new projects launching on Oasis Network.

Initial Dex Offering (IDO): In the future, IDO capabilities will allow early supporters to help fund the projects. It’s in the project’s and the user’s interest to have backers that believe in the vision early on and a clear way of identifying these early contributing members.

Verified Digital Identity: Also in the pipeline, LaunchGarden will feature the first-ever verifiable digital identity that we believe will eventually lead to a more compliant DeFi space by connecting the community to lucrative airdrops, ideal staking opportunities, and promising project tokens.

As a teaser, we want to share a snapshot of our landing page in both Dark and Light mode. Stay tuned for more awesomeness in the coming weeks!

Snapshot of our landing page in dark and light mode.

Stay Connected: Join LaunchGarden on Social Media

Get ready for an explosive start for 2022! We’ll launch the staking and airdrop modules and look forward to hearing feedback from the Oasis community. This is an exciting opportunity to get involved with promising Oasis projects through airdrop campaigns or put your $ROSE to work by staking it for more $ROSE, $GRDN, and project token rewards.

In the meantime, make sure to follow LaunchGarden’s social media to stay up-to-date on everything growing on LG like new project launches, NFTs, and more!




LaunchGarden is the most innovative launchpad built natively for the Base Network.