Let’s Get Personal

Here’s A Bunch Of Stuff I’ve Never Told You

Lauren Evans
7 min readApr 25, 2018
NOT ME — by Jurica Koletić on Unsplash. I was going to use a photo of me but couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Inspired by the super talented Kris Gage

Very recently I told you:

I came into the world of blogging through WordPress. I followed bloggers who wrote about their thoughts and feelings, who discussed what had happened to them on any particular day and their reaction to those events. I read diaries of the anonymous. I read humour, sadness, hope.

(read the full article here)

And then I happen to stumble across (okay, not stumble, more like read several of Kris Gage’s wonderful articles), a get-to-know me listicle which was so well-written and interesting, that I thought; “why the fuck am I not doing that? Imagine how freeing that is going to feel!”

So here I am, spilling the beans, serving the T (or whatever).

Here’s 10 things I haven’t told you:

1. I’ve always been a bit fake.

As a young kid, maybe 5 years old, I realised that funny people made friends. I’d watched enough TV shows to know that the funny characters in the cartoons I watched were the ones that the other characters really liked, let alone the audience at home.



Lauren Evans

Writer person trying to figure out life. New mum trying to figure out parenting.