You Don’t Have To Tell Us Your Story

Unless You Actually Want To

Lauren Evans
3 min readApr 20, 2018
Photo by Redd Angelo on Unsplash

There’s a lot of hoo-ha about telling your story on the internet. Recently I read a joke tweet that said something along the lines of:

Some personal shit that people write about/tweet about online should be saved for their therapist.

And I thought;

“Do I share too much?”

On my blog I talk about my mental health, my sexuality, and my recent motherhood. I have spilled my guts onto the keyboard because that is what I like doing. I like telling my story, warts and all, because it helps me process how I am feeling or how I have felt. It also makes me feel like I might be helping somebody else who has been or is going through something similar.

It does however leave me feeling a little naked and exposed — but that is the price you pay I suppose for letting the world in (not that I get the stats on a global scale, but you know what I mean).

I know a couple of bloggers that keep themselves anonymous, which is cool. I’ve tried doing that a few times (it never lasted long).

Even though I’m completely for people telling their stories online, for really getting into the emotional labours that they have been through - the pain, the happiness, the overall life shit — I am…



Lauren Evans

Writer person trying to figure out life. New mum trying to figure out parenting.