The Sweetest True Story from my Lawn Mowing Business that Will Melt Your Heart

I will always remember this kind and uplifting gesture. I hope some day these people will see my story.

Linda Xiong
4 min readJul 10, 2022
hands reaching out with dandeliion
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

Exactly one year ago, our mower died right on the spot in the middle of mowing a client’s lawn!

My son was mowing and I noticed the mower had been making some funky noises during the past three mow days.

I ignored it.

We were in the City of Roseville at our client’s house.

Up and poof!

The usual question that I really hate hearing is “Mom, the ____ isn’t working.”

I pulled and pulled the start cord, said a prayer, did a voodoo dance, used all my tricks — this mower was done.

“Hey guys, let’s call it a day. I’ll have to find a replacement’’.

I did what I always do when oddities happen, I texted my client and told them what happened and said we will be back tomorrow.

I thought: ‘Could I even troubleshoot this by tomorrow? Wait, remain calm and cool in front of the children.’

Got home, unloaded every item, parked my rear-end on the sofa and opened Facebook Marketplace on my phone with a category 5 hurricane speed.

I searched up ‘gas lawn mower’ luckily I knew what I wanted, the price, the type too.

A few great searches came up and I messaged all of them.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

an old fashion time with standing legs
Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

Debbie responded! By now it was 6:30pm.

Debbie: ‘’Yes, it’s still here.’’

Me: ‘’Can I come see it tonight, it’s late so I understand if you can’t.’’

Debbie: ‘Sure, you can come’’

Score! She proceeds to give me her address and super bonus, it’s only the next town over.

I asked my oldest to come with me. We drove to St. Paul. The sun had already set, it was dusk for sure.

We greeted and hurriedly skipped the small talk and asked to test out the mower.

The husband, Doug came out from the kitchen. He was older, middle aged and very friendly. I remember him just being very friendly.

Both Debbie and Doug walked us both to their garage and took out the Toro 20’’. It was their son-in-law’s but the son–in-law upgraded to a riding mower.

The Toro came out sparkling new!

As my son was testing the mower, I mentioned how we run a tiny summer lawn mowing business and our mower blew out.

Doug, very friendly, was saying that he used to mow lawns as a youngster too. I commented on their beautiful yard with a unique vegetable garden.

My son gave the thumbs up. It was a go.

I should mention by now the price of the used mower was listed at $80.

Doug and my son helped load up the mower. We began to part ways, getting ready, I handed him four twenty dollar bills.

He took it, fanned out the bills, took two bills, extended his arm back to me with his head slightly tilting down — the baseball cap partially covering his face.

‘’Take this back, now you go on and keep working. My wife and I love to support young people working’’. — he said with attention.

It was one of those flash quiet divine moments, a sense of reverence, there’s no way my ‘no’ would be accepted.

My son and I looked at each other, my mouth gapping open. I said ‘’thank you so much, you have no idea what this means’’. I probably babbled some other words, but it was clearly night by now, the street light lamps on, the buzzing of flies and mosquitos.

We were meant to part ways after this moment.

We said our good-byes. I drove home and told my son how sweet that man was, the gesture, and everything that led up to this evening.

To Doug and Debbie, we are still mowing lawns, earning revenue, learning life skills from your Toro 20’’. My boys are able to pay for their own sports fees, bags of Hot Cheetos, donate and invest.

Thank you.

Here is a picture of the FB messenger conversation.

Memorable picture by Author

Want to know the 3 myth busters in the lawn mowing industry that will get you landing clients fast? Check out my FREE guide, I put my best of the best tips here.

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Linda Xiong

I needed a way to buy 2 Nintendo 2DS for my sons. We figured out how to mow lawns fast and profitably, and they bought their own! I teach at