Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen
2 min readOct 19, 2018


Very interesting, Suguru. Thank you for sharing!


Comparing it to my Model-View-Presenter variation for Angular, BLoCs are a blend of container components and presenters. I like to group logic into more explicit layers like these:

BLoCs have mixed system concerns. But they could be used as a facade to hide the details of the different layers from the UI artifacts — such as Angular components — using them. But then again, they would be facades, not BLoCs.

When I build container components and presenters, I like to use methods for input and observables for output. I consider it an anti-pattern to expose subjects. Instead I expose their Observable interface with subject.asObservable() and add methods to emit values through the internal (private) subjects.

For example, I could have a basic SearchPresenter like this:

Basic search presenter

If I want to add debouncing to the search while removing duplicates, it is easily added to the public observable pipeline:

Debounced, distinct search presenter

It becomes obvious that this logic can be reused for searchboxes in different screens (pages) or even different apps and platforms. This is because it is UI behaviour, not integration to persistence or application state.

A component could be using multiple presenters and we only have to add additional operations or modify them in one place.

Back to the BLoC

Getting back to the BLoC design pattern, I would structure it something like this:

BLoC file structure for Angular apps

The AppSearchRepository in app/search is the concrete implementation of the abstract class SearchRepository from business-logic/search. It is your search repository but renamed with an App prefix to prevent name clashing, developer confusion and accidental imports. It has also got Angular dependency injection since a real repository will need dependencies for reading data from a back-end.

Search repository implementation for search BLoC

The AppSearchBloc in app/search extends the class SearchBloc from business-logic/search to add Angular dependency injection and lifecycle hooks.

Angular wrapper around search BLoC

Note that the Angular BLoC wrapper only references the business logic layer.

Now that we have these Angular-fitted software artifacts in place, our SearchComponent is clean and simple. Nothing more than a UI wrapper around the search BLoC.

Again, I do not like exposing implementation details, so I would usually add properties and methods to the component that delegate to the BLoC. This way, the template will be unaware of the BLoC, just like other components that reference the search component do not have access to the BLoC directly.

Search component that delegates to search BLoC

Note that both search component implementations only reference the business logic layer, since they reference the abstract search BLoC class.

Putting it all together, we end up with this implementation:

Let me know what you think 🙂

