Teachers, Prepare to Be Flexible

There is only so much we can do

Samantha Lazar
Inspired Education
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2020


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

It’s the first week of August, and teachers everywhere are preparing for the strangest, riskiest, and potentially most stressful school year. 2020–2021 marks my 22nd year in the classroom. (And yes, my school is starting with 80% of our students in the classroom).

I teach 5th grade in a smallish independent school. There are around 250 students from prekindergarten through 8th grade. We have the resources to spread out, provide technology, and change our campus to meet the needs of our families (many of them are essential healthcare workers) in this crazy COVID world.

We will teach at school until the virus hits our community and/or the government issues stay at home orders.

I write this from my classroom. Tape is stuck on the floor to mark where desks will go in order to keep students learning 6 feet apart. I have put away any previously shared art supplies until some unknown future. I am preparing to change my mindset and my educational philosophy somewhat. My days will be filled with echoing reminders to students to keep masks above the nose, wash hands, don’t share this and that, spread out.

