Meet the team behind LazyFi

4 min readSep 20, 2022


Our story has humble beginnings, it began when a young Reza Datoo, our CEO and Co-Founder took on the impossible challenge of learning to speak Japanese at the University of Hertfordshire and it was broadly based on this experience that the foundations of LazyFi were laid. Reza, like many others, discovered exactly just how difficult it can be to learn a new language and one of the only tools that really resonated with him and made the process easier was the introduction of educational games. Learning through gaming seemed to flow more naturally and Reza reasoned rightly that if gaming could help him to learn a language then surely there were a huge number of other things that gaming could simplify or improve.

Reza spent his post-university years working in a number of Marketing and Community roles within the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency sector, gaining valuable knowledge and experience as well as an invaluable number of contacts and mentors. He underwent a 6 month incubation and mentorship program with LEGO Ventures, where they provided immeasurable feedback and help around conception and execution. While Reza was working as the head of community for DAO Launch, he met fellow Co-Founders Davin Broadbent and Elliot Anthonioz and the concept that became Lazyfi began to incubate.

Reza is a crypto native and former community manager.

Davin Broadbent, CMO

Davin Broadbent our CMO has for his part spent the past 20 years working in a number of senior Marketing roles both in an Agency and client capacity. He has been active in the crypto space since 2016 and via his agency Proven has collaborated on, advised and assisted several crypto projects, providing strategy and execution. Davin also allocates 10% of his time in an unpaid capacity to mentoring and supporting promising new teams and founders with a “Pay it Forward” philosophy and it was through a collaboration in this area that he was introduced to Reza. Davin and Reza began having regular calls to try and frame Reza’s gaming and education concept which evolved quickly from Language Learning to Comprehension, Engagement and Rewards. Davin was “blown away” by the potential of LazyFi to address and resolve one of the most frustrating and common communications issues faced by brands, i.e “how do we measure what our customers know or understand about our company/products/services/messaging”.

Sensing that they had finally taken a great idea and found an ideal market fit, Reza quickly pitched the outline to Elliot, who immediately saw the potential and began putting a technical plan and outline together.

Davin has over 20 years of senior marketing experience.

Elliot Anthonioz, CTO

Elliot Anthonioz graduated from the IUT de Belfort-Montbéliard and immediately began applying his software engineering skills to solving start up problems in blockchain and crypto projects. Having gained exposure to the space in 2019 Elliot quickly gravitated toward gaming and NFT’s and was introduced to Reza and Davin through a collaboration. Elliot now forms an integral part of the senior team in his role as CTO and Co-Founder.

Elliot is a former shadowy super coder, he gave up the anon life for lazyfi ❤

Reza, Elliot and Davin have spent the past 9 months building and refining the concept of LazyFi, securing support and grant funding from NEAR and building out a network of partners and potential investors. LazyFi will change the way industries measure and test customer comprehension and reward their users by introducing a 0–1 paradigm shift.

LazyFi will ultimately be the gold standard for using gaming in marketing and gauging customer intelligence. The LazyFi platform is expected to launch around Mid-November time.

The Technical team

Meet the team of shadowy super coders that buld the LazyFi that you know and love.

Hesitant Shark- Blockchain Developer- Skilled in both EVM and non-evm coding languages.

BlueDragon40 repping the Shonen Junk!

Masked-Shinobi60, Back end dev: Skilled in dev ops and back end development, There is no problem that the masked man can’t solve, whether that is an architectural or logistical problem, the masked man will dip in between the shadows and take care of the probem, swiftly and discreetly.

AltKingKong, Game developer: Passionate developer, geek, with many years experience in developing web applications and games. he hates spaghetti code and bad teamwork.

LazyFi has an unlisted number of key contributors and advisors, mentors, designers, and other developers who also support us tirelessly and wholeheartedly building the next generation of gaming, learning and comprehension tools.

About LazyFi

LazyFi empowers brands like never before, to use games in their marketing. Projects, brands and individuals can effortlessly create and deploy their own learn and earn games as well as have access to a novel comprehension-based analytics system.

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