The Benefits of School Uniforms in India

3 min readJul 15, 2016


Image By Terry Feuerborn

Almost all schools in India have insisted on enforcing uniforms in schools. The types of uniforms are different across the country depending which part of the country the school is in. Some schools in Northern India even have a separate uniform for summer, winter, and sports. However, schools in South India just have a single uniform throughout the year. Many schools argue that the benefits of school uniforms are immense and some of these benefits are listed below.


The main concept of school uniforms is to maintain uniformity. Having a uniform in school makes the children feel part of one family irrespective of the walks of life they come from. Students get a feeling of unity and oneness by sporting a uniform. This also takes away the stress of not having to worry about what to wear to school every day. Children and teens usually tend to judge others by the brand of clothes they wear. Wearing uniforms will eliminate this discrimination and eliminate the mindset as well. School uniforms also help instill a sense of spirit and leads to camaraderie and solidarity among students from different caste, religion, creed and culture.

Eliminates Tardiness

One of the biggest benefits of implementing school uniforms is eliminating the need for students to spend valuable time deciding what to wear and how to look stylish. This will ensure that students reach school on time and avoid making silly excuses for being late. Having a uniform to wear daily would mean that students can settle into a time table daily and eat breakfast on time as well.

Gang Clothing

Gang clothing is slowly becoming a global phenomenon and school uniforms completely eliminate the possibility of students wearing such clothes. Kids wearing school uniforms are rarely seen involved in fights or acts of vandalism. The school uniforms also help in keeping students safe when they are outside school. Many adults on the road and even the local law enforcement are able to recognize the schools according to their uniforms. In the event of something going wrong, people would know who the first point of contact would be.

Reduce Expenses

Most schools usually provide school uniforms at subsidized rates. This reduces the expenses for parents who would have to spend on shoes and other school accessories. If there were no uniforms in schools, parents would have to spend on expensive clothing for kids and that too different clothes every day. Schools also insist on canvas shoes along with school uniforms. This eliminates the need to buy expensive shoes and other accessories. Many schools in India also ban jewelry. This also eliminates expenses for parents and they can concentrate on buying the essential things for their children and invest the saved money for their future.

Various Benefits

As per a recent research, school uniforms affect behavioral problems, attendance, substance abuse, and overall academic achievement. Results from this study found that:

· School uniforms decrease use of substance.

· School uniforms decrease problems with behavior.

· School uniforms increase regularity and improve attendance.

· School uniforms show a positive improvement in academic achievements.

The concept of school uniforms has been an age old concept. This is done to avoid children becoming conscious of their appearance and looks at an early age. One flip side to school uniforms is the lack of creativity and expression among children. However, schools make up for that by encouraging academic creativity. Many academics also state that school uniforms restrict children from being themselves. However, many also believe that stress on individuality may distract students from their studies and cause them to lose focus. School uniforms in India have been an essential part of academics. Students have created a sense of ownership and loyalty towards their school uniform and display it proudly. Many schools still insist on making uniforms mandatory; however the debate will always be ongoing.

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Sankar is an academician as well as a content developer. He writes contents for LearnPick regular basis.