Me Too in Spanish: An Easy Guide to Saying ‘Yo También’

Learn Spanish Online
2 min readDec 4, 2023


Hey there, fellow language enthusiasts! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone has said something you agree with, and you wish to chime in with “me too” but in Spanish? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re delving into the phrase “me too in Spanish,” or as the locals say, “yo también.” It’s an adventure into the vibrant and fascinating world of Spanish, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. So buckle up, and let’s get started!

Picture this: You’re at a gathering with Spanish-speaking friends, and someone says they love the local cuisine. Your taste buds agree, and you want to express that. The words “me too” may come to mind, but why not elevate your connection by saying “yo también“? It adds a touch of authenticity and camaraderie that only a new language can provide.

Embracing “Yo También“

Spanish is more than just a language; it’s a rich tapestry of culture, emotions, and expressions. Let’s explore the wonderful phrase “yo también” and how it fits into various contexts.

The Basics — Saying “Me Too”

The direct translation of “me too” in Spanish is “yo también.” But wait, there’s more! You may also encounter “a mí también,” especially in casual conversation. These phrases are like a friendly wave to people, bringing you closer to the vibrant Spanish-speaking community.

This content is originally published by SPANISHVIP

