This Week in Science 6/12- How to Prevent Wildfires

Learnyx AI
3 min readJun 12, 2023


For more than 3 days, New York City was blanketed by a thick cloud of smog that gave the famous skyline an orange tint and prompted the closure of various schools and businesses. This event acted as a reminder of the wide ranging effects that wildfires can have and the importance of taking action to prevent them whenever possible.

The article below was written by the Learnyx.AI platform for a 6th grade reading level. You can find a PDF link for this article, along with differentiated versions at the bottom of the page.

How to Prevent Wildfires

Wildfires can be extremely dangerous and destructive, but there are things we can do to help prevent them from happening. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Clear your surroundings

One of the most important things you can do is make sure your surroundings are clear of anything that could easily catch fire. This means removing dry leaves and branches, dead trees, and other vegetation from around your home. You should also keep your gutters clean of any debris that could ignite, and clear any flammable items away from your home, such as firewood or propane tanks.

Follow local fire restrictions

It’s important to pay attention to any fire restrictions in your area. If there is a ban on outdoor burning or fireworks, make sure you follow it. These bans are put in place to help prevent wildfires from starting, and breaking them can be dangerous and result in serious consequences.

Be careful with fire

If you do need to use fire outdoors, such as for a campfire or cooking, make sure you do so carefully. Always have a bucket of water nearby in case the fire gets out of control, and never leave a fire unattended. When you’re finished, make sure the fire is completely extinguished.

Report any fires immediately

If you see a fire, it’s important to report it right away. Call 911 or your local fire department to let them know where the fire is and what’s happening. The sooner they know about it, the sooner they can respond and work to put out the fire before it spreads.

Educate others

One of the best ways to prevent wildfires is to educate others about fire safety. Talk to your family, friends, and classmates about the importance of being careful with fire and keeping your surroundings clear of anything that could ignite. The more people who are aware of the risks and take steps to prevent fires, the safer we’ll all be.


Preventing wildfires is everyone’s responsibility. By taking these steps to clear your surroundings, follow local fire restrictions, be careful with fire, report any fires immediately, and educate others, you can help keep yourself and your community safe. Remember, just one small mistake can lead to a devastating wildfire, so it’s important to always be aware of the risks and take steps to prevent fires from starting.

4th Grade

6th Grade

8th Grade



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