Building a Life, Not Just a Career: Achieving Success Without Sacrificing Your Marriage & Family

Leave A Marriage Legacy
4 min readMar 27, 2023


As members of this generation, we pride ourselves on our academic achievements and unwavering pursuit of success in our professional lives. We spend countless hours and energy acquiring new skills, obtaining multiple degrees, and building our careers or businesses. However, we have neglected to put the same effort into our marriages and family lives.

Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash

We operate under the assumption that good marriages just happen and that our spouse should magically understand us. Because in our minds, for our marriage to improve, it’s our spouse that has to change, not us, right? We give little room for grace and growth, and the idea of trying to improve ourselves in our marriage seems laughable. We attend workshops, webinars, and classes to excel in our professional lives, but we fail to put in the same effort to strengthen our marriage.

In our pursuit of material success, we have misplaced the importance of marriage and family. We have forgotten that building wealth is not an end in itself but a means to create and build a solid foundation for a fulfilling life with our loved ones. We must take the necessary steps to build a strong and enduring union with our spouse and remember that the true purpose of building wealth is to enjoy a life of happiness and fulfillment with the people we love.

“We operate under the assumption that good marriages just happen and that our spouse should magically understand us. A good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you work on and keep working on until death do you part.”

Investing in our marriage and family life is crucial for personal growth and compassion. It requires us to re-evaluate our priorities and make conscious efforts to strengthen our relationships. It is easy to let our emotions get in the way of personal growth and compassion, but we must recognise that building a strong and enduring union with our spouse requires effort and commitment.

Putting effort into our marriage and family life does not mean sacrificing our professional goals. It means finding a balance that allows us to pursue our aspirations while still investing in our relationships. By investing in our marriage and family life, we create a support system to motivate us to achieve our goals.

Here are five examples of finding a balance that allows us to pursue our aspirations while still investing in our relationships:

  • Schedule Quality Time:
    Set aside specific times for date nights, family outings, or game nights. Making time for one another shows that you prioritise your relationship, and it also provides an opportunity for you to relax and have fun together.
  • Communicate Effectively:
    Good communication is essential for any relationship. Communicating effectively can avoid misunderstandings, build trust, and strengthen your bond. Make time to discuss important matters with your spouse or family and be open and honest in your conversations.
  • Show Appreciation:
    Showing appreciation is a simple way to strengthen your relationships. Acknowledge your partner’s or family’s efforts and express gratitude for the things they do for you. Small gestures such as saying “thank you” or leaving a note of appreciation can go a long way in making your loved ones feel valued.
  • Prioritise Self-Care:
    Taking care of yourself is essential for your well-being and can benefit your relationships. When you set aside time to look after your mental and physical health, you are better equipped to handle stress and communicate effectively with your partner or family.
  • Set Goals Together:
    Working together towards shared goals can strengthen your bond and give you something to look forward to. Whether it’s planning a family vacation or starting a business together, setting goals as a couple or family can help you stay connected and support one another’s aspirations.

In conclusion, our pursuit of success should not come at the expense of our marriage and family life. We must re-evaluate our priorities and make a conscious effort to invest in our relationships. Building a strong and enduring union with our spouse and creating a foundation for a fulfilling life with our loved ones should be a top priority. Remember that the true purpose of building wealth is to enjoy a life of happiness and fulfillment with the people we love.

Bible Ref.:

“If anyone fails to provide for his own, and especially for those of his own family, he has denied the faith [by disregarding its precepts] and is worse than an unbeliever [who fulfills his obligation in these matters].”
1 Timothy 5:8 (AMP)

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Leave A Marriage Legacy

Practical Advice To Help You Not To Give Up On Your Marriage But Rather To Fight For It And Build It And Leave An Impactful Legacy