How To Create A Real Estate Investment Plan For Beginners

Leax Foundation - Leaxcoin (LEAX)
5 min readMar 26, 2019


Here at Leaxcoin, we try to provide you the best information not only about blockchain and real estate but also about property investing and more. So for this article, are you thinking about becoming a real estate investor? Before you start, you need to create a real estate investing business plan. And here’s how to write one.

Did you realize that real estate investments build wealth on a more consistent basis than any other assets on the market? This is one of the reasons why real estate investing has become so popular in the last few years. While the real estate market took a hit during the financial downturn of 2008, many constructions and housing experts are optimistic about what 2019 has to hold.

One of the biggest problems that most investment newcomers have is devising an adequate plan of attack. The only way to have success in the world of real estate is by developing a detailed real estate investing business plan.

Often times, newcomers to the world of real estate investing will need to consult with a financial adviser to get this plan in place. Neglecting to iron out the details of your investment plan will put you at a disadvantage when it comes to choosing the properties to buy.

The following are some of the things you need to consider when developing a real estate investing business plan.

Setting Goals is the First Step in Creating a Real Estate Investing Business Plan

Being a goal-oriented person can keep you focused when obstacles get in your way. If you are the type of person who likes to plan out every detail of your daily life, then bringing this same passion for an organization to your real estate investment strategy is a good idea. The first thing you need to do when developing an investment plan is to set goals.

Are you looking to create a consistent source of income? Do you prefer to flip properties and get quick profits? Regardless of what your goals are, you should have no problem finding real estate to help you fulfill your financial wishes.

By detailing what you want to accomplish with your real estate investments, you can narrow down the selection of properties at your disposal. While creating these goals will take time and effort, it is definitely worth the energy you invest.

Devising an Investment Strategy

The real estate market provides investors with countless ways to make money. Instead of trying to spread your investment dollars too thin, you need to hone in on a niche to operate in. If you want to create a steady stream of income, then investing in rental properties is essential.

Before you invest in a rental property, you need to find out more about the amount of work it will take to maintain it. If you put your money into an older property, you will probably need to update a number of things. Properly planning and budgeting for these upgrades can reduce the amount of stress you encounter as a property owner.

Investors who want to buy and flip properties will need to focus on getting the best possible price. Paying over market value for a piece of property will make it impossible to flip it for a profit. Going into this investment process with a detailed strategy can help you avoid problems like this.

Putting a Time Frame on Achieving Your Goals

Setting adequate goals for your real estate investing is important. However, if you don’t follow through with these plans to achieve these goals, you will be left feeling disappointed. One of the best ways to increase your level of motivation is by putting a time limit on achieving your investment goals.

If you are getting into this type of investing to fund your pending retirement, you should assess how many years you have left to work and save. Some people want to make real estate investing their full-time job. While this is feasible, it is not easy.

Instead of jumping in with both feet, you need to weigh all of the pros and cons of quitting your existing job. Before you make a move to becoming a full-time investor, you need to make sure you can make money. Getting a few real estate deals under your belt can give you confidence and a bit of reassurance before making this leap.

Getting to Know Your Market

Familiarity with a particular area can help you immensely when choosing real estate investments. Before you buy a home or apartment complex, you need to find out as much as you can about the area. If the property is located in an area that is considered dangerous, you may have a hard time renting or flipping it.

However, you may be able to get a better deal on properties in higher risk areas. If you are able to get a home that is for well under market value, you need to think long and hard about this decision.

The last thing you want to do is rush through this important decision. Doing this will lead to mistakes being made. These mistakes can cost you a lot of money, which is why you need to avoid getting in a hurry at all cost.

Figure Out How to Fund Your Real Estate Purchase

All of the plans in the world won’t compensate for the inability to get funding for a real estate purchase. Luckily, there are a number of options you can use when trying to fund this purchase. Using hard money loans or an asset-based mortgage is a great idea.

The right multi-family property will provide you with a consistent source of income for years to come. With a bit of research, finding and buying the right investment properties will be a breeze.

Take Your Time

Developing an adequate real estate investing business plan is no easy task. This is why you need to take the time to weigh all of your options before settling on a plan of attack.

