Leaxcoin at the Fintech Philippines Association Mixer In Manila

Leax Foundation - Leaxcoin (LEAX)
2 min readOct 10, 2018


Mark Anthony Wagan, the Community Manager of Leaxcoin doing a presentation

Manila Philippines — Last October 2nd, our Community Manager from the Philippines, Mark Anthony Wagan represented Leaxcoin at the Fintech Philippines Association Mixer which was held at the ARK of Unionbank in Makati City.

The FINTECH PHILIPPINES ASSOCIATION (FINTECH PH) is a non-profit association representing and promoting the Philippines as a global leader in Fintech Innovation.

During the event, a lot of founders, blockchain, and fintech startups and aficionados attended to know more and learn how blockchain, cryptocurrency, and fintech can be able to transform and help their businesses grow.

The first speaker is Mr. Raymond Hicks who is the Senior Consultant of ZMG Ward Howell that talked about on how to attract top talents in Fintech. Next speaker was Mr. Mark Anthony Wagan who is the Community Manager of Leaxcoin in the Philippines. He discussed how blockchain technology can help in real estate transactions and how Leaxcoin is making it possible. Lastly, is Mr. Mark Vernon who is the Founder and CEO of TAG Cash, a digital payments platform that discussed different blockchains and decentralized ledgers.

The event was capped off by a networking session where everyone can just have a can of beer and talk to each other. Overall it was a lot of learning experience to those who attended, and it was a great opportunity where Leaxcoin was properly represented.

