Steps To Successfully Launching Your Real Estate Property Business

Leax Foundation - Leaxcoin (LEAX)
4 min readApr 29, 2020


Launching a real estate business is an exciting step in any realtor’s career. However rewarding running your own business may be, though, it’s not without its difficulties. Starting your new business on the right foot will offer you a solid foundation to build upon and put you ahead of the game.

In this article, we’ll provide vital tips on how to expertly launch your real estate business and set yourself up for success.

1. Layout your personal goals

Your new venture offers the perfect opportunity to reevaluate what you want from your career. Perhaps you’re starting this new company so that you can set your hours or take time off at your discretion. Maybe you’re aiming to retire by 60 or pay for a family vacation each year. Defining your desires will help you stay focused and motivated as you work to expand your business.

2. Determine your business objectives & values

Now is the time to set your business aspirations and define the ethos of your brand. Creating a business plan will double your chances of success. What are your financial goals, and what steps will you take to accomplish them? What are your values? What sets you apart from your competitors? Document these important cornerstones of your organization and use them to guide you in your future decision-making.

3. Find the right team

Launching a business is rarely, if ever, a completely independent task. Even if you’re a solo operator, you may choose to enlist a marketer to increase your exposure or a financial advisor to ensure your hard-earned money is invested wisely. Maybe you’re going into business with colleagues or have decided to hire an assistant for extra help around the office. Whatever your circumstances, ensure that the people you surround yourself with share your vision and will work hard to see it through.

4. Implement a comprehensive marketing strategy

A solid marketing strategy will spread the word about your new business and capture the attention of prospective clients. Keep your branding consistent across all marketing channels, and use messaging to communicate your brand values.

Consider using marketing automation software to bolster your efforts.

Here are some essential components to keep in mind for marketing your newly established marketing business:

  • Create a website. In today’s digital age, it’s essential that your business has a strong online presence — and this begins with a website. Your website will be used to introduce yourself and your business, post current listings, share client testimonials, provide contact details, direct visitors to your social media profiles, and host your blog. Your website must be professional and user-friendly, so work with a web designer if necessary.
  • Social media. Social media is one of the greatest tools a realtor has in its arsenal. Using outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn will give you a direct link to prospective clients and the greater real estate community. Be sure to post engaging content regularly and keep your posts true to your brand.
  • Blogging. Having a blog is a great way to attract more visitors to your website and establish yourself as a thought leader in the field. Your blog posts will also give you interesting content to share across social media. The topics you choose to blog about should be relevant to your target audience and specific to your location when possible. Blogging frequently and using SEO-friendly titles & keywords will increase your exposure and result in more leads. A recent study showed that “companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got about 4.5 times more leads than companies that published zero to four monthly posts.”
  • Paid advertising. Consider investing in paid advertising to target your prospects wisely. Google and Facebook ads are especially effective and there are options to suit every budget.
  • Email marketing. Now is the time to start building an email database and sending regular updates to your list. It’s been proven that 77% of people prefer to get permission-based promotional messages via email (versus direct mail, text, phone, or social media), making email one of your most valuable marketing tools.
  • Build your offline collateral. While online collateral is essential, so are your offline offerings. This includes things like business cards, stationery, brochures, flyers, and signs. These are especially important for realtors because they will be seen repeatedly by clients and prospective clients. As always, your branding should remain consistent across every outlet. You must maintain a professional image at all times, and a brand templating platform can help you accomplish this.

5. Host a launch event

Hosting a launch event for your new business is an excellent way to introduce yourself to the community.

A well-crafted event will create buzz around your brand, allow you to reach a wider audience, and start your business off with a bang. Be sure to publicize your event across social media and ask your friends & family to help spread the word. Invite relevant business owners, influencers, and news outlets.

An event also provides the perfect opportunity to meet and get to know your prospects. Real estate is a personal business, and connecting with potential leads face-to-face will set you apart from the competition.

Leaxcoin is a platform that came up with the solution to all the problems with real estate transactions, either in the purchase, rent, lease, and real estate launch or in the property registry.

This solution will be achieved thru a global community of real estate specialists and experienced developers, who will create the necessary tools to connect all the real estate processes and the regulatory agencies of property registration for a blockchain, everything in compliance with the countless jurisdictions of every country, state, and city.


