By David Ball (Own work) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Dear White Women married to Black Men, we didn’t give you a Black Card.

Stop acting like you have one.

Lecia Michelle 📃
3 min readMar 20, 2018


I should have written this a long time ago, but the idea of again stating the obvious is just exhausting. Here goes anyway…

White women, if you’re married to a black man and have children, here’s a newsflash: You’re still white. You don’t get an honorary black card, black membership or black pass. I don’t care what your husband or his family says. You’re not black. Stop with the we are oppressed nonsense. You’re not oppressed. You don’t experience racism. You’re not one of us.

I know you’re confused because your husband tells you differently. I don’t know what his problem is, but he’s not helping you or black people by saying he sees you as black. Obviously he had an identity crisis before he met you and hasn’t bothered to work that out. Maybe he doesn’t want to because he knows what we’ll tell him:

No, she’s white. And she will always be white.

Stop telling her she’s the blackest white person you know. You’re supporting her white nonsense at our expense.

Call her out when she steps out of her lane. No. CALL. HER. OUT.

Your wife steps out of her lane all the time. She’s so horrible, she ignores the fact lanes even exist.



Lecia Michelle 📃

I'm a black woman, a writer, poet and activist. I hope to one day put my stories into a book. Twitter:@LeciaMichelle11