Credit: Seattle Parks.

Your privilege of ignoring social distancing is killing people

Many Americans are convinced they’re invincible.

Lecia Michelle 📃
3 min readMar 28, 2020


I go for a walk every day now that I’m sheltering in place. I find a park not many people frequent and take my dogs out for an hour. I practice social distancing. If someone’s coming and they don’t walk to the far side of me, then I walk as far over to the shoulder as I can. I’m not taking any chances. I have asthma, and the coronavirus could kill me. I also don’t want to unknowingly contract it through carelessness and infect someone else.

I see people ignoring social distancing every day. Today I watched a group of women walking together and laughing — as if nothing was happening. I don’t know how they do it. My head is constantly swiveling as I watch for people standing too close to me. My ears are attune to any coughing or sneezing around me. Yet today I saw groups walking together and people passing each other with no regard for six feet of distance between them. It’s no wonder this virus is spreading uncontrollably in our country.

I purposely grocery shop right when the store opens in the morning. Any other time, and people are crammed into aisles on top of each other — many wearing masks and reaching over people to grab items. It’s amazing to me. It’s almost like the masks have become status symbols…



Lecia Michelle 📃

I'm a black woman, a writer, poet and activist. I hope to one day put my stories into a book. Twitter:@LeciaMichelle11