Why I Went Organic At Age 70

Virginia Harrington
2 min readJan 26, 2016


It took me seven decades to realize that I had grown up on organic foods. We lived in the farm country of North Dakota and grew our own food, including meat. I remember helping my mother freeze and can our home grown vegetables and storing the root produce in the deeply dug root cellar. We had fresh potatoes and onions all year long as well as dried herbs that hung on hooks. Everything always tasted fresh and healthy.

Like most young people I left the freezing winters and sweltering summers of North Dakota as soon as I could. I didn’t realize I was saying goodbye to fresh tasting foods.

It wasn’t long before I was searching out farmers’ markets and range fed beef whenever I could. But I never bought more that a quarter of a beef since my husband’s Air Force career brought frequent moves. Then it would be back to the fatty meat of corn fed beef.

Getting our children to eat vegetables was a chore. They simply didn’t like the taste. When I could get fresh produce at a farmers’ market they gobbled it up like it was candy. The same thing happened with our grandchildren.

By the time the great grandchildren started coming along, I started buying organic foods. The prices were extravagant at times but the young children would eat it and enjoy it. I did get tired of having to go to the store so frequently but it was worth it to see them eat healthy foods.

I finally found the solution. I opened my own organics web store. Now I have easy access to healthy, good tasting foods at all times. Not only that, my bath supplies are also organic and for the first time in many years I am not fighting dry, itchy skin. My hair is under control and after cleaning my house it smells fresh instead of chemical. I shop with totally organic bags instead of plastic and even my garbage goes into organic bags. My dogs have shiny coats and nice clean teeth.

I have many loyal customers who have found the same benefits of organics that I have discovered, but even if I didn’t I would still maintain my store for the use of our family. We are now spread far and wide but being a web store they have total access to it.

If you care to give it a try go to www.ourearthorganics.com/. (It works best if you use Google Chrome.) You may be surprised at what you find.

Thanks for reading and I welcome responses and opinions.

