Lore — 3:1— The Vortex

Lair Captured — Inner Sanctum Desecrated

5 min readApr 19, 2023


When last we met, our fearless Yeti set off to the Lair with three of the newly freed captives and some of their brood. But unforeseen obstacles await…

A light snow falls steadily, wind catching it in gentle spirals. The Lair is only a few hours’ journey from the cave where you freed the captured Yeti. But you need to get there as soon as possible. Enemies are afoot. What would usually be a trip filled with laughter, jokes and pranks is a hurried and careful push through the Hidden Ridge. There is only silence as you move through the mountain shadows together — all thirteen of you.

Suddenly, the blue sky turns to grey in almost a blink. The light snow becomes a heavy torrent of tiny ice daggers thrown by the ferocious wind.

You huddle together against the frosty onslaught.

“This isn’t natural!” your father yells over the din of the wind.

“It must have to do with the Secret. I can sense it!” cries Ruti.

But the only sensation you’re concentrating on is the one of your feet leaving the ground.

The snow swirls around you in a chaotic frenzy. The wind howls. You can’t see more than a few feet in front of you as the vortex engulfs you in a blinding whiteout. Your terror is only matched by your determination to survive this tempest.

As the vortex becomes more intense, it gets harder and harder to breathe. Your lungs feel like they’re freezing every time you manage to gasp. The wind whips around you with incredible force. You just pray you won’t be smashed to bits on the jagged mountain peaks ahead.

Suddenly, a sharp thunderclap echoes through the Ridge. A powerful and ancient yeti with flowing white fur towers above you in the sky. He accompanies you as the vortex deposits you back by your brood.

“Kwaneg,” your father bows his head. You shake your head to clear the shock and follow suit.

The Legendary yeti nods in acknowledgement. Lightning sparks of diamond and white crackle around his face as he begins to speak.

“My brave Yeti,” he begins, his rumbling voice shaking the very ground on which you stand. “We are facing a danger that’s never before been: The Bigfoot have seized control of the Lair. They are twisting the Secret, using it in evil ways that were never meant to be.”

You look at each other, your fur standing on end.

“I am fighting this battle as we speak, gathering in our kind and our allies. But many have been slaughtered or taken captive. And many are barred from even approaching our gates. It will not be easy, but you must come to the Lair and defeat them at any cost.”

Your father responds, “Kwaneg, we will do our duty. But how can we take back the Secret from them, if they already know how to use it?”

Kwaneg’s eyes lock onto your father’s.

“They don’t know how to use it,” he growls. “The only reason they can wreak all this destruction is because they hold the sSecret.”

“The wWhat?” you stammer. Your father smacks you on the back of your head. You are silent.

Kwaneg’s eyes pierce through your very soul.

“The sSecret is the amulet — the Secret wrapped into physical form. None but the Elders have ever seen it. It is deep within the Inner Sanctum on its rightful shrine. But the leader of the Bigfoot, Richter, lifts it whenever he has a chance. He doesn’t understand that the Secret can never be a centralized source of power. His inner corruption is the source of all the monstrosities that are plaguing the Hidden Ridge.”

“Monstrosities?” Anzollash, the elder of the Yeti women gasps.

“Our home has been tainted by Richter’s greed. New enemies and obstacles of great power have risen from the depths of his depraved subconscious. The path to the Lair is blocked by no few of these aberrations. You’ll need to defeat them before you enter the Inner Sanctum.”

Kwaneg sighs, “This is not the task for Initiates and children, Abba,” he says to your father. “But you’ll need to keep your brood safe.”

Your father draws to his full height and stands proud like the fierce and powerful warrior he is. Your heart bursts with love for him.

“That is the task I chose for eternity, Kwaneg,” he thunders.

“Yes,” Kwaneg nods, “though you would have become a Legend in short time.”

“It is not for everyone, my liege,” your father replies. “I have not the patience, nor do I want to lead anyone except myself and my own brood.”

He turns to you, his noble face a blend of love, pride and concern. “But it seems my child is the one upon which we must pin our hopes.”

“It is indeed so, Abba. It is indeed so.”

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