Guild Leader Guide

Legendary: Game of Heroes
8 min readAug 5, 2020



There will always be instances when you will need to recruit players, either when starting a new guild or to replace players that have left. There are two ways to recruit players, either by attracting players to your guild or by actively seeking out players.

1. Attracting players to your guild

In order to attract players to your guild you can update your guild title to include the word “recruiting” in the heading. This lets players know that you are actively looking to recruit.

For the best results, you should use The N3TWORK messaging and media application to communicate with your guild and other players. The app connects with the game and signs you in with your game ID so players can easily find you.

2. Actively seeking out players

You can actively look for new players by searching for them on the solo leaderboard. Look for players that have “guild invites ok” selected on their profile and then send them a custom message when inviting them. Once they join the guild ensure to welcome them and make them feel as part of the team straight away.

Reminder: It’s always more effective to recruit players in-between events rather than during events.


At the end of each event, you will receive crates which you can gift out to guild members as a way of thanking them for their contribution. There are many ways in which you can select who will receive these gifts including activity level, event performance, behaviour etc. If you are finding difficulty in selecting players to give the gifts to, you can save them until you have accumulated enough gifts to give to every guild member. The higher your guild ranks the better the contents of the crates will be.


When is the right time to kick a player? Kicking players is not something that should done frequently as it can make existing members feel insecure about their position. It is best to be more selective about new players joining the guild rather than accepting players that you will end up kicking shortly after joining. The main reasons for kicking players can be for inappropriate behaviour, lack of team play, poor performance or inactivity. It’s always best to inform players of why they have been kicked prior to doing so.

Please be mindful that if a player or guild leader in fact has been inactive for 2 weeks or more they will automatically be kicked from the guild. If you know that players will be on holidays or busy for an extended period of time its probably worth informing them of this process and asking them to just log into the game once a week at least to ensure that their account is not automatically removed from the guild. In the case where the guild leader becomes inactive the most senior council member (ie by looking at player rank) will be promoted to guild leader and the guild will still remain intact.

Other things to be aware of when kicking members is that if you kick a player before they have had a chance to claim their guild rewards from an event then they will lose those rewards completely. Also guild bound event materials are also lost if you kick a guild member during an event.


In the guild you have an option of promoting or demoting members to different ranks. In order to promote/demote a player you will have to click the information button found in the top right hand corner of the guild chat screen and then select the player you wish change the status of.

Pressing the promote button will promote a guild member a single rank. The order of ranks from highest to lowest are as follows:

  • Guild Leader
  • The Council
  • Lords & Ladies
  • Dukes & Duchesses
  • Citizens

All players that join your guild will start off as citizens. The next two ranks, Dukes & Duchesses and Lords & Ladies should be used to promote loyal guild members and strong performers.
The Council rank is probably the most important outside of the guild leader rank. The Council members should be players that you chose to help you the run the guild for example when you are not online or whom you can designate specific roles to help manage the guild (for example one council member focuses on recruitment while another council member focuses on event participation). Council members also have the authority to invite and kick members so it’s best to select players that you trust and that are familiar with the game.

Guild members can be demoted the same way in which they are promoted by clicking on the demote button.


In order to be a successful guild leader it is important to communicate effectively with your team.

You can do this through the guild chat screen or by using The N3TWORK — a media and messaging application that is designed specifically for this purpose. It connects with your game ID, syncs with your in-game guild chat, lets you create group chats with other players, and also includes daily news, previews and strategy guide videos.

When using The N3TWORK it’s best to create specific chats for different forms of communication alongside your core guild chat:

  • Private one on one channels let you speak with individual guild members and other players
  • Groups where team members can chat and get to know each other
  • Announcement group where you should be the only one to post important information for the guild such as event strategies.


All guild members whether they have been playing for one day or 50 days may need assistance in understanding all the components of the game. Outside of drawing from your personal experience more information can be found by the following avenues:

  • Upcoming feature roadmap — can be accessed from the “Roadmap” button on the bottom of the Store page of the game
  • Getting started guide — can be accessed from the “Starter Guide” button on the bottom of the Store page of the game
  • Guild wars guide — can be accessed from the “Guild Wars” button on the bottom of the Store page of the game
  • Event updates — check the Legendary Game of Heroes official facebook page for regular event updates


New players have the most trouble in working out how to set up their deck for a particular event. Use the below strategies to guide players on the best deck for each event. Remember that the cards featured in the event packs will always be the most useful for each event. The card in the first pack is best used as a supporter card and the card featured in the second event pack is best used as the leader card (ie. the third card in the deck). Its always best to have as many heroes boosted by the leader card as possible.

Crusade event

  • Maximise the number of cards that feature the commander skill designated by a C on the front of the card. Note that some cards can have multiple skills associated with them.
  • The higher the commander multiplier, the more effective your card and deck will be. The multipliers from highest to lowest are 13x, 10x, 7x, 5x, 4x and 3x.
  • The Commander cards will place Commander gems on the board that when matched will empower the attack of all heroes of the same affinity.

Raid event

  • Maximise the number of cards that feature the slayer skill designated by a S on the front of the card.
  • The higher the slayer multiplier, the more effective your card and deck will be. The multipliers from highest to lowest are 13x, 10x, 7x, 5x, 4x and 3x.
  • The slayer cards multiply the damage incurred by the slayer multiplier value.

Bounty Dungeon

  • Maximise the number of cards that feature the bounty skill designated by a B on the front of the card.
  • The higher the bounty multiplier, the more effective your card and deck will be. The multipliers from highest to lowest are 13x, 10x, 7x, 5x, 4x and 3x.
  • The bounty cards multiply the amount of points you obtain from completing the crusade.


1. Crusade Events

Crusade events are split into the Crusade part and the Guild Boss component. Reach the highest node and complete the highest levels of the crusade to earn the best rewards. Once you complete the crusade missions you will obtain guild keys and guild key gifts to use in the raid boss section of the event. The goal is to kill as many high rarity guild bosses as possible by utilising a strong commander deck and using the smallest number of keys possible. Key gifts can either be traded with other team members or sent to the player with the strongest commander deck to maximise key use efficiency. The trading strategy is the best strategy to use where you would like to spread points out evenly between the guild and the latter strategy often referred to using “runners” is more commonly used in competitive guilds as the bosses contribute a significant amount of points for the guild.

2. Raid Events

During raid events, the guild will be faced with guild bosses of varying difficulty. Guild bosses are attacked with guild keys which can be obtained from participating in solo raid bosses. As the guild boss level increases the number of guild bosses your guild is faced with will increase until the maximum is reached. The goal is to get as many guild members to attack each guild boss and to kill guild bosses as quickly as possible to maximise guild points.

3. Guild Wars

Guild wars are month long events where you will verse a different guild each day. Each guild member will have a single attack that they will be able to use to attack a defender team from the opposing guild. Each member should attempt to attack an opponent with a similar power rating to their attacking team. Selecting cards in an attacking team that can counter the skills of the opponents defending team will also increase the players’ chances of succeeding. It is important to communicate and strategise so that your guild maximises the number of kills and wins the battle. Remember that Wardens are particularly more useful as gvg defenders due to their higher power ratings and their increased chance to cast their defender skill. Wardens can be obtained by successfully completing the forge bosses or can also be obtained as leaderboard rewards.


During events that feature guild bosses it may be worthwhile determining a time when all the members can be online at the same time to defeat them together. This not only maximises the amount of points gained for each boss killed but also avoids keys getting wasted due to bosses escaping which may occur during periods of time when they are few members online.

The Time Buddy application (found in the app store) is a useful tool to help determine the local time across multiple time zones and can assist in communicating frenzy times to guild mates.


Building strong guild relationships can become a very important strategy during events. Whether this is done through the creation of a sister guild or through an affiliation with another guild, the benefit can still be the same. A prime example of this is where guilds work together and help each guild by sending rallies to each other.


You can monitor player performance both during and at the end of every event by clicking on the “Your Guild” tab in the guild leaderboard. This screen shows the amount of guild points each guild member has contributed for the current event. Monitoring player performance can assist you in deciding which players to send guild gifts to and when to promote and/or kick guild members.

Finally, remember to have fun with your guild members! Be creative and keep your players engaged by creating small competitions like who can create the highest multiplier on a boss, who can do the most damage on a guild boss and i’m sure there are many others that can be thought of.



Legendary: Game of Heroes

Quest, battle, collect and evolve in the most strategic puzzle RPG game, Legendary: Game of Heroes!