Thank you Pep

LeicesterLGBT Centre
3 min readJul 13, 2018


It is with a heavy heart that we are saying goodbye to Pep Sanz, our Centre and Communications Coordinator. Having been a part of the Centre’s family for the last two years, his dedication and enthusiasm to his work has been a blessing to all who come here.

We wish to share with you a few words of appreciation from Andrew Bolland (Strategic Development and Partnerships Manager) on behalf of the Centre’s entire staff, for the amazing work he has done.

Pep was the first person I met at the Centre when I came for my interview nearly 2 years ago…Then he was the friendly face that welcomed me to the Centre, offered me a drink and generally made sure I was looked after…Pep left me with a really positive image of the Centre. Nearly 2 years later, I have the pleasure of working with a brilliant colleague and more importantly see Pep as a great friend and as Pep will tell you, we often joke that I am his Dad and him, my Son. The best tribute I can give to Pep as he moves on to new and exciting times ahead is that if Pep was my son I would be so proud of him, he works so hard, is knowledgeable, passionate about equality, a person you can trust, is caring and shows respect to everyone he assists at the Centre… colleagues, volunteers or service users. Pep is one of those people that makes the world a brighter and better place and has certainly in a short time helped the Centre make positive strides forward…Pep, Friend, Son…I and all at the Centre will miss you so much and wish you all the very best for your future. Whatever that future is, the people who will become your future colleagues will be better people for knowing you.

Of course it would go without saying, that Pep himself would leave us with some parting words of his time at the Centre.

Coordinating the Leicester LGBT Centre and managing its communications for these last two years has been an absolute honour. During my time at the Centre, I’ve been inspired by all the stories and people I’ve crossed paths with. My managers Judy and Andrew and the rest of the team have been and will always be my LGBT+ family. It is reassuring to see how many people are willing to support the LGBT+ community with such professionalism and enthusiasm. There is still a long way to reach full equality, but there is no doubt that the Leicester LGBT Centre will continue to support the LGBT+ communities in and around Leicester as it has done for the last 40 years. I am very proud to have had the chance to be part of it.

Thank you LGBT+ family!



LeicesterLGBT Centre

Leicester Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Centre is a voluntary organisation established to support LGBT+ people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.