Essay Series

Introduction to, “Ramblings on a Word”

There is No Box

Lekha Murali


Cup and saucer with coffee and spoon, with coffee-brown colored ripples all over the image, added for effect.
Image by Shelly Paul

“Ramblings on a word”, is an essay series created with the intention of showing a different perspective to a word that is in common use. The series follows a particular format. The title of the article starts with, “Ramblings on a Word —”, followed by the word, that is the topic of discussion.

The article opens with the definition of the word, the meaning of which, would be closer to the context of the topic that is discussed, rather than the broader definition of the dictionary. Although, each word mostly stays within the confines of that definition, occasionally it does get twisted around a bit, just to show a different perspective or simply because I am flippant.

The articles are just my opinion and are written in essay format. Some are personal essays. A small number of them are, “character soliloquy” where I try to channel a character for demonstrable effect. So, even though such an article is written in first person, it is not my personal experience, it’s an expression of a view-point through a fictional character, I create for that purpose.

I am putting these pieces together under this theme in hopes that it would enable the readers to look at an issue differently than they normally would; to understand and question that which is accepted as normal, to pique healthy curiosity and help bring more clarity to thought so that they would realize, that they don’t have to think inside or outside the box, that they can simply throw away the box because it confines their minds.

Thus, one day I hope, you — the reader can “Ramble”, on your own, instead of reading mine.


For almost every article I write, my cousin Shelly has already taken a picture and posted it on his Flickr Account. For those images he doesn’t have, I borrow it from Kathy Daisy, who has a WordPress blog, called Paper, ink and Imaginings, where she catalogues her unique, hand-crafted cards.
If there is a picture that is not credited, then that is mine.

The source of inspiration for this essay series is my life, which is constantly shaped and influenced by the friends in it, some of whom are my relatives.

Starting with my husband, Murali,who is my closest friend and the most frustrating critique of my writings, my friends are a spectrum of diversity in every way imaginable - religion, language, nationality, race, caste, age, etc. My thoughts and beliefs are shaped by their candor, the arguments and disagreements. They keep me grounded and my life is meaningful for each and every one of them. I am grateful for their love and understanding.

Note : This article has been revised from the original one on WP. Some changes have been made to the first paragraph that elaborates on the original version. Also, there is a new section of “Acknowledgements” added in this version.

Originally published at on September 21, 2016.



Lekha Murali

Creative writing, social commentary and a little bit of satire.