How To Achieve Success

Lemi Ren
3 min readSep 18, 2019


Taking legitimate steps towards achieving a goal is easier said than done. However, you cannot achieve anything if you don’t start somewhere. It’s also important to keep in mind that progress doesn’t happen with giant leaps, it happens with incremental steps, steps that produce results you can be proud of.

When you think about taking small steps, it’s regarding efforts such as losing weight, or a fitness routine. I consider these factors good reasons, but also use the same process when pursuing any goal. When setting goals, it’s also important to keep the following in mind:

Think Small — focus on what you can do today and don’t worry about what needs to happen tomorrow. Focusing on the big picture will only stifle your ability to move forward. That big picture may seem overwhelming, which will make your goals seem unattainable.

Diminish Your Fears — Fear can be the reason you’re not achieving your goals. We all experience fear, those of us who act despite fear are the ones to accomplish the goals we set. Is fear preventing you from reaching your goals? A question you should ask and answer, especially if you are not mastering the goals you set.

Besides knowing if fear is preventing you from reaching your goals, also ask, what’s the worst that can happen? And what’s the most that can happen? Get rid of fear by applying objectivity to your situation. Start by answering the three questions above. The effort you make by diminishing your fears will produce results you can be proud of. Take the necessary steps to overcome your fears and achieve the success you desire.

Understand Your Focus — there are many roadblocks preventing us from reaching the goals we set. Not knowing what you’re trying to accomplish is one of them. While success can be a broad term, reaching it is a more focal process. To realize success, we have to know what we are trying to accomplish. You cannot see your success if it’s not tangible and if you don’t know what success means to you.

Clarity and intention doesn’t always happen. Record your goals by using tools such as a journal, or mind mapping software. These type of tools can add clarity to what you want.

Pursue Your Goals Incrementally — Setting incremental goals and taking small steps may seem similar. In certain instances they are, but incremental steps are more cumulative. A part of taking deliberate steps that leads to success is to not pursue your goals all at once. Yet, another reason writing and understanding your goals is so important. A sure-fire way to not reach any goal and to be overwhelmed, is to attempt to accomplish too much, too quickly. After creating a visual process for your goals, decide what needs to be done first and make it happen, then proceed to the next step. Before long you will not only notice progress, you will also know what it like to accomplish your overall goal.

Incorporate Incentives — as you pursue your goals and reach milestones reward yourself. Incentives allows you to acknowledge where you started and how far you’ve reached. In addition, it provides the groundwork for motivation. Using rewards to maintain motivation is a process that will help you achieve more and reach the success you desire.

In Conclusion — each of us are unique in how we pursue the goals we set and reach for the success we desire. One thing is clear, the processes we implement when pursuing our goals is detrimental to success. Remember, goal setting is one thing, taking steps to go from planning to action is another. It takes thought and motivation to achieve the goals you set. Consider incorporating the mindset above and your success will surely be realized.

Lemi Ren is a Freelance Writer specializing in content for Bloggers and small businesses. Visit her portfolio at



Lemi Ren

Lemi Ren is a freelance writer specializing in engaging content for bloggers and small businesses.