How to Contribute to DLTA Token Pre-Sale!

3 min readJul 18, 2018


Everything you need to know for DLTA token sale starting July 25th

This fact sheet and step-by-step contribution guide was created to guide you through the contribution process safely and effectively. In order to make sure you participate in the sale, and do not lose your investment, follow these steps closely.

When and Where to Contribute

DLTA Pre-sale will go live on Wednesday, July 25th, 2018 at 6:00PM GMT. You can reach the contribution link at that time at

Accepted Currency: Ethereum (minimum contribution is 0.003 ETH)

Step-By-Step Guide to Contributing

  • Fill in the following information to add new token into MEW or metamask.

Contract Address: 0xe17d3C8f4853e37D05b19f7e2A4457B299538F99

Token Symbol: DLTA

Decimals: 18

Contribute using Metamask wallet (Recommended):

Step 1

Log in into Metamask then click ‘’Buy DLTA Tokens’’ Button on the website

Step 2

On the crowedsale page click the ‘’Invest’’ button

Step 3

Enter the number of tokens you are buying then click ‘’Contribute’’

Make sure Metamask is open through the contribution process

Contribute using Myetherwallet:

Step 1

Log in into Myetherwallet and Select ‘Send Ether & Tokens’

Step 2

If you use Metamask, select that and click ‘’connect’’. Otherwise use your private key to access your wallet.

Step 3

Fill in the box as shown below with the amount of ETH you will contribute then click ‘’ Generate Transaction’’ to get your tokens

  • Use PRIVATE Ethereum wallets for contributing, NOT Online Exchange accounts.

Do NOT send Ethereum from Online Exchanges (eg. Bitstamp, Kraken, Bittrex, Livecoin, Bitfinex etc.). Each Ethereum address on an online exchange is specially dedicated to only one cryptocurrency (e.g. Ethereum) making them unable to handle issued DLTA Tokens.

Sending Ethereum directly from an Online Exchange account will most probably result in a permanent loss of your DLTA Tokens or at least months of negotiating with the Online Exchange’s support service.

Create and contribute from your own, private, ERC-20 compatible, Ethereum wallet like MEW or Metamask

Get a +50% bonus in DLTA tokens by contributing during the whitelist starting July 25th!




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