User Experience Impacts on eCommerce

4 min readApr 16, 2015


Right from being a toddler to becoming a giant juggernaut, E-commerce has come a long way and is here to stay for a long long time. Presently the rise of mobile and e-commerce shopping trend has been a breeding multi-billion-dollar industry and with a growth potential upto 50-folds. According to Forbes, the eCommerce market is worth $6.7 Trillion by 2020, Alibaba being the pioneer front-runner.

Definitely it is a shocking revelation how brick-and-mortar retailers have been replaced by online stores. The larger credit for the success of e-commerce goes to the advancement of technology which has made our lives so simple. The choice of having our items delivered wherever we want by simple clicking of a few buttons on our mobile/tablets and to not leave the comfort and the warmth of our home, trudging ourselves through varied temperatures and dealing with the long queues at payment & trial room mayhem often found at large shopping centers is surely a bliss.

But with the need of cutting-edge and Neoteric innovation, there are few things which are for a lookout in improving the design. Lets have a look at some of them!

Brand affinity by emphasizing on the UX and customer engagement:

A proper User Interface design decides if the customer will be impressed by it and its products, creating a value proposition on the website or app for the eCommerce merchants. A properly designed app or website keeps the customer engaged and also helps the company create a brand affinity, network and also improves on cross-selling. Here are some of the features which can enhance the experience of a user.

a. Better product view with proper description: It is important for the website to give better visibility to the product and zoom in and out functionality should be properly maintained.

Most of the times the description added is not enough and customers end up buying something irrelevant.

b. Convenience in adding coupons: A lot of customers visit the websites due to coupons.

Also when a customer downloads an app a promised discount-coupon is provided. What if they are provided with a coupon but could never find a place to apply it?

So, along with these coupons, user must be provided with a convenient way to apply them.

c. Shopping cart abandonment: From newcomer to eCommerce giants, all face the issue of abandoned carts. What stops a user from buying a product even after adding it to the cart? Always try to keep it simple. Ease of use must be the prime focus. Statistics depict sloppy navigation among the top reasons to lose-out on users.

d. Providing reviews: User’s buying decision is no different (than buying in outlets) when it comes to eCommerce. A user’s choice is driven by word of mouth! Always provide an option to review or give feedback on all products. It helps the users to make an informed decision.

e. Intuitive Search Engines & Personalization: It is very important to keep the customers engaged by investing in more robust order fulfilment status, fast customer service, personalization and intuitive search results.

Personalization is one of the methodological approaches that should be undertaken by every online marketer. Let us cite you an example, a man logs into your website/app in search of a sneaker and searches or clicks through a few of them and leaves the site. On the next visit the search results page displays the top three previously viewed items personalized for him. This ensures a high conversion rate as well as boosts better customer satisfaction and builds long-term relationship with the customer.

User experience design can directly impact revenues and if done right can really create a long lasting value.

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Image sources: Google, Forbes, Alibaba




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