Let’s Talk About Death, Baby

Let’s Talk About Death
2 min readNov 22, 2015


Are you morbid?

Earlier tonight, I started thinking about how much fun it would be to put together a small, simple DIY zine about death, dying, the dead, and general macabre matters, and to ask my friends to contribute to it. Death is the only truly universal human experience, and I’m far from alone in my fascination with it; the thought of scribbling a few paragraphs about plague crosses or funeral potatoes or sky burial gives me the good kind of chills.

So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to call it Let’s Talk About Death, Baby, and hopefully get the first issue done in a couple of months. I’m excited to start writing and drawing and stapling and all that jazz, and then just go from there.

If you’d like to contribute some writing — an essay, a poem, a short story, an anecdote, whatever—or some artwork—sketches, drawings, comics, whatever—that’s rad! As long as it’s related to death, dying, grief, bodies, funerals, burials, or things that go bump in the night, I’d love to check it out. You can write about music, but this is definitely not a music zine. Ditto feminism, identity, love, sex, food, aging, ghosts, and so on; as long as it’s nice and morbid and death-related, it fits.

Speaking of fitting, this is going to be a pretty cozy endeavor, so nothing longer than a page (500 words), please. I don’t want pitches; if you have written a thing, or decide to write a thing, just send me that thing, and I’ll see if it works. This is a fun little zine, not a Real Publication, so compensation-wise, I can make sure to mail you a copy once I actually bring the first issue to life, but that’s pretty much it for now; if I figure out a way to generate revenue, I will give it to you after I cover printing costs (this idea’s only existed for, like, three hours, so bear with me).

You can email me about it at letstalkaboutdeathbaby@gmail.com.

