Ameca, the robot from Engineered Arts, spoke to his engineers about the danger of humanoid robots

2 min readSep 22, 2022

UK-based robotics company Engineered Arts has just given a voice to its ultra-realistic-looking humanoid robot called Ameca.

In a new video, the company showcased Ameca in conversation with several Engineered Arts engineers, courtesy of a speech synthesizer and OpenAI’s GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence system, which it uses deep learning to generate text.

The Ameca robot has already proven to be an impressive demonstration of state-of-the-art humanoid robots, with its unusual ability to contort its face into highly believable, human-like expressions ranging from disbelief to disgust.

The Ameca robot was questioned

Now, thanks to the power of GPT-3, the Ameca robot is able to converse, which is an impressive extension of the capabilities of modern robots .

When Engineered Arts COO Morgan Roe asked Ameca about the applications humanoid robots could be used for, the robot had a surprisingly coherent answer.




One of the key passions is to explain complex things in as simple and accessible language as possible.