The Goldilocks Zone

How Much Time Is Just Right for Your Side Hustle

How Much Should You Hustle?

4 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Ries Bosch on Unsplash

We all know side hustles can be great ways to earn extra income. But how many hours per week should you devote to your side gig before it becomes too much?

Like most things, moderation is key when balancing a side hustle with your regular 9–5 job and the rest of your life. This article explores the pros and cons of different side hustle time commitments to help you find the sweet spot.

The Allure of Endless Hustling 💸

The concept of “hustle culture” promotes the idea that to be successful, you need to be constantly working, pushing yourself to extremes, sleeping very little, and squeezing every last productive hour out of your day.

Pros of Extreme Hustle:

❇️ You can maximize your income potential in a short period if you hustle 80+ hours per week. This can appeal if you have a specific savings goal like starting a business.

❇️ Working constantly can help build solid work habits and self-discipline.

Cons of Extreme Hustle:

❇️ Not sustainable long-term without burning out




One of the key passions is to explain complex things in as simple and accessible language as possible.