1 min readDec 22, 2016


Open offices works fine for collaborative work (creating marketing materials and verbiage). But for complex frontal cortex work, quiet isolation is always best.

But just try and convince corporate America that managers don’t need to micro-manage their employees… Not gonna happen. Their insecurities stem from a vast and incomprehensible snarl of 19th century boss-man overseer rules and policies.

The greatest benefit from remote work? NO COMMUTE.

1hr round-trip commutes = 5 hours a week = 250 hours a years = 2000 hours every 8 years WASTED IN THE CAR. That’s an entire YEAR of time wasted in the car just getting to and coming from work. What insane set of managers would EVER choose this? Oh yeah, corporations that’s who.

Boycott your commute!

