Put Me In Coach

If You Want To Enjoy Your Life More

Lori Fields, LCSW


I took my 6 year old son to baseball practice last night. I spent the majority of the time chatting with the other moms on the sidelines. I would glance up occasionally and watch him up at bat, give him a thumbs up or a few pointers like set your feet and aim at the target before being so quick to throw to first base.

And then something interesting happened.

The coach decided to play a fun game the last 15 minutes of practice; kids versus coaches.

Rather than continue watching the practice and chatting on the sidelines, I grabbed someone’s glove and headed out onto the field to join the coaches team.

It was me, 3 fathers and a 10 year old kid versus my son’s whole team.

While one father pitched and the other guys covered the infield, I covered the entire outfield. (I think I was the only one able to run after a ball.)

Guess what happened?

It was a blast.
The spirit of practice changed entirely.

The boys began chanting each other’s names in encouragement as they took their turn up at bat. The parents on the sidelines started cheering for the coaches.

The time flew by.
I got some exercise and my son thought it was pretty cool to watch his mom play ball against his team (yes, he’s still young enough to think it’s cool and not embarrassing.)

And the best part was that I hit a ‘bomber’ (my son’s term) when I was up at bat!

The boys thought the game was awesome and everyone left the field with big smiles, feeling good.

As I drove home I found myself thinking about the benefits of putting more of myself into the things I’m doing.

How can I be more in?
In what areas of my life am I sitting on the sidelines rather than claiming a spot on the field?

By ‘more in’, I don’t mean, work harder or show up more for things you don’t love.

What I mean is…

How can I get more out of the things I’m saying yes to?
How can I play more?
How can I showcase more of my real self?

How willing am I let myself enjoy my moments more?
How willing are you?

Most of the time we’re so hard on ourselves. We ask want so badly for certain things in our life to change but then we go about it in a way that’s not sustainable (or any fun).

I’ve come to realize that the only thing that’s sustainable is a way of life that you enjoy.

If your life is feeling a bit like groundhogs day (like mine has been feeling lately) I strongly encourage you to shake things up a bit. Push yourself to get more involved, have more fun, do something unexpected, be less serious, surprise yourself.

The feeling you get in the dugout is far different than the feeling you get standing on the field.

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Lori Fields, LCSW

Peak Performance Coach. Wife, mother of 3, entrepreneur. Get FREE support for reaching your goals @ https://www.yourworthyself.com/