The Insider’s Guide to Building a Data-Driven Culture: Transform Your Business in the Digital Age

Introduction: The High Cost of Ignoring Data

Liat Ben-Zur
5 min readDec 13, 2023

In our data-driven world, ignoring data in favor of intuition or the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO) is not just outdated — it’s a recipe for disaster. Yet, many organizations are still trapped in this outdated mindset. This guide is an urgent call to action: embrace data or risk obsolescence.

The Perils of Ignoring Data-Driven Decision-Making

Consider the lifestyle brand that invested millions in a Super Bowl ad based on their CEO’s gut feeling, only to see it spectacularly fail. Or the AI-focused startup whose algorithms seemed perfect but overlooked the growing unrest among gig workers due to unrealistic job matches. These examples are not anomalies; they’re warnings.

From HiPPO to Analytics: A Necessary Evolution

Leaders must move beyond HiPPO. The story of a Fortune 500 retailer is instructive here. They tested three online checkout options and let data reveal a surprising winner, boosting sales by 29%. This exemplifies the razor-sharp edge that data analytics lends to business decisions.

Understanding Data-Driven Culture: The Core Principles



Liat Ben-Zur

Digital Transformation Leader | Strategic Advisor | PLG, Product Management, IoT & AI Disruption | Diversity & Inclusion | Speaker | Board Member | ex-CVP MSFT