The Rise of the AI Product Manager

Liat Ben-Zur
8 min readFeb 12, 2024


The New Mandates for Product Leadership

Artificial intelligence is on the brink of transforming entire industries. Soon your fridge may automatically order milk when it’s low, and your email program will reply to messages for you. Companies are racing to integrate AI into their products to stay ahead of the competition.

But who’s steering this AI-powered revolution? Enter a new breed of product manager — one fluent in data science and skilled at directing their AI “co-pilot.”

Product managers have always championed the customer’s needs. But with AI, the job requires new technical and ethical skills. To create responsible AI products that provide real value, PMs need to be part engineer, ethicist, and translator.

This shift is already underway. The companies winning the AI race have PMs that can speak both “human” and “machine.” They guide their AI partners, fuse their complementary strengths, and align them to customer needs.

For PMs, upskilling is mandatory in this brave new world. This guide will equip you with strategies to:

  • Master AI and machine learning concepts
  • Make data-driven decisions powered by AI insights
  • Champion ethics, transparency and explainability in AI
  • Infuse AI throughout the product lifecycle
  • Skill up with purpose-built AI tools and platforms

Let’s explore how PMs can effectively co-pilot alongside AI and create products that are both ingenious and responsible. The future of product management starts now.

The Shift in Product Management

For decades, product managers served as the voice of the customer. They uncovered consumer insights, guided strategic planning, and rallied teams towards product-market fit.

But the rise of AI is fundamentally altering the PM role. Companies are appointing specialized “AI PMs” to steer development of intelligent products. So what’s changing exactly?

Tech Fluency is Now Mandatory

In this new era, PMs need working knowledge of key machine learning concepts. Fluency in algorithms, training data, neural networks — this is now mandatory.

Without grasping how AI models function, PMs cannot direct their development or ensure they align to customer needs. They also cannot ask the right strategic questions or sniff out biases.

Just as a “dog whisperer” masters canine behavior, PMs must now become fluent in the language of AI. The machines are here to stay.

Shepherding AI Integration

As AI permeates products, PMs have to shepherd its integration. This means overseeing AI components like predictions engines, personalization algorithms, and conversational interfaces.

Rather than just relaying customer feedback, PMs now co-pilot product development alongside AI systems. They must align human needs with machine capabilities, guiding one with the wisdom of the other.

The Next Generation of PMs

Companies seeking to lead the AI revolution are upskilling their PMs or recruiting those already fluent in this future. They want PMs that can speak both human and machine.

The next generation of product managers will fuse their intuitive human skills with AI’s number-crunching prowess. With competent co-pilots like this, companies can responsibly transform entire industries. Exciting times ahead!

Let’s now explore how PMs can skill up and prepare for this AI-powered future. The machines are coming, so you better be ready!

Skill Up: AI Fluency 101 for PMs

To keep up with their intelligent co-pilots, product managers need fluency in core machine learning concepts. Consider this your starter kit to AI basics:

  • Algorithms — The code that enables machines to learn. Neural networks with multiple layers and parameters power deep learning.
  • Training Data — The lifeblood of models. Quality datasets are required to train AI to any level of accuracy.
  • Bias Mitigation — A moral imperative. Strategies to detect and reduce unfair biases baked into algorithms or data.
  • Other key concepts include overfitting, reinforcement learning, precision vs recall, and more. Arm yourself with the fundamentals first.

How can PMs start developing AI literacy?

Hit the Books

  • Online learning platforms like Coursera and Udacity offer foundational courses on machine learning and data science. Learn the theory first.

Get Your Hands Dirty

  • Beyond book learning, platforms like provide hands-on deep learning experience. Experiment with code and data.

See It In Action

  • Interactive web tools like TensorFlow Playground let you tweak neural networks and observe their behavior visually. Build intuition.

Learn the Lingo

  • Mastering AI terms and concepts equips you to ask informed questions and make strategic decisions during model development.

Why Does This Matter?

Technical fluency empowers PMs to guide AI products responsibly and effectively. You can sniff out biases, ensure models align to customer needs, and communicate intelligently with data scientists.

The machines are already here. Skill up now or risk irrelevance

Make Better Data-Driven Decisions with AI

AI unlocks insights that were simply inaccessible to humans before. The data deluge is here, and it requires analytics fluency.

AI unlocks troves of behavioral data and predictive power. Product managers must learn to harness these superpowers.

  • Customer analytics tools like Google Analytics and Mixpanel provide granular insights into user behavior within products. How are they navigating flows? Where do they drop off? What causes frustration?
  • Solutions like Heap and Amplitude provide fine-grained behavioral data within your product. Every tap, swipe and transaction gets logged.
  • Sentiment analysis by MonkeyLearn or Aylien can extract key themes from customer feedback at scale. What pain points keep emerging? What delights users?
  • Powerful predictive models can forecast trends and future outcomes based on historical data. Forecasting platforms like DataRobot crunch historical data to predict future trends. How might user needs evolve? Which features will become obsolete?

Harness these AI-generated inputs to:

  • Pinpoint User Pain Points: AI reveals customer struggle spots you never knew existed. Fix them.
  • Anticipate Needs Proactively: Predict what users want before they know it themselves. Delight them.
  • Double Down on Delighters: Identify and amplify features that drive engagement and loyalty.
  • Sunset The Obsolete: Retire features that are rarely used or have low ROI. Declutter.

With AI, product decisions evolve from guesswork to evidence-based strategies. Intuition now operates in partnership with data. To create winning products in the age of AI, learn to read the data tea leaves. Let these tools prophecy success.

But remember — AI provides inputs, humans make the call. Let data inform and empower you, not dictate to you. Great AI PMs blend quantitative evidence with qualitative insights. Crunching data in a human vacuum is unwise. Master this balance, and your AI co-pilot will guide you to glory.

Move Fast, But Ethically

With exponential gains in insights from AI, PMs must also keep ethics in check. User privacy, security, transparency — these matter more than ever.

Responsible AI is the only path to building customer trust and loyalty. Keep your moral compass pointing true north.

Let’s now explore how PMs can champion ethics and explainability in the AI products they oversee. With rapidly accelerating capabilities comes obligation.

Champion Ethics in the Age of AI

AI’s potential is astounding, but it must be developed responsibly and ethically. As an AI PM, you are the guardian of those principles.

What should you watch out for?

Bias Mitigation

  • AI can inherit and amplify unfair biases present in data or algorithms. Rigorously audit for discrimination of any kind — and fix it.


  • Black box models erode trust. Clearly explain how AI systems make decisions and what factors are considered.

Privacy Protection

  • Safeguard personal data. Only use it to benefit individuals and in alignment with their consent.


  • Build robust cybersecurity into AI, ensuring protections against misuse or malicious attacks.

Partner with ethics researchers to assess high-risk use cases. Establish oversight processes that embed ethical reviews into development cycles.

Why This Matters

We are entrusting AI with immense and rapidly growing capabilities. Without diligent oversight, those powers could be dangerously misused or abused.

Unethical AI alienates users, destroys trust, and damages society. Responsible AI strengthens bonds, creates value, and uplifts humanity.

The choice is ours to make — for good or for ill. Lead with your moral compass pointing True North.

Light the Path Forward

Frameworks like the Partnership on AI’s Ethical Guidelines provide actionable guidance for developing conscientious AI.

  • Tools like IBM’s AI Fairness 360 and OpenAI’s CLIP help discover and mitigate unfair biases.
  • Initiatives like Model Cards enable transparency by clearly documenting an AI model’s strengths and limitations.
  • Oversight processes that embed ethical reviews into development can help your team build AI the right way.

The future need not be dystopian. As an AI PM you have immense influence to shape it for the better. It’s time to step up as leaders.

Foster Explainability and Trust

AI models can behave like inscrutable black boxes. But users want to understand how they work, not blindly trust them.

As an AI PM, it’s crucial that you champion explainability. Make AI thinking understandable and transparent to users.

Where do you start?

Show Your Work

  • Explain the rationale behind AI-generated predictions and recommendations. Why did it make that choice?
  • Allow users to inspect the factors and data that influenced specific outputs. Empower interrogation.

Approximate Complex Models

  • Use tools like LIME that build simpler local explanation models to shed light on complex black box models.

Visualize Thought Processes

  • Use tools like TensorBoard to literally visualize how neural networks operate under the hood.

Document Capabilities

  • Create “Model Cards” that clearly describe what your AI systems can and cannot do. Set right expectations.

Why This Matters

Explainable AI helps users trust AI. They can see that the outputs are justified, not arbitrary.

It also builds mental models so users deeply understand these technologies. No confusion, no fear.

And explainability is key to remaining in compliance with regulations like GDPR that give users the right to explanation.

Lead with Transparency

As an AI PM, you must be a relentless advocate for explainability. Lead fearlessly towards transparency.

Obfuscation and secrecy erode trust in AI. But clarity and understanding pave the road to adoption.

Set the direction, educate stakeholders, and equip developers with the tools to illuminate AI’s inner workings.

Shed light into the black box. Earn users’ trust. And guide them confidently into an AI-powered future.

The Future of AI-Driven Product Management

AI cannot be an add-on or afterthought. To amplify its benefits, AI needs to permeate your entire product and process.

Here are some ways to infuse AI throughout the product lifecycle:


  • Leverage generative AI to analyze markets, simulate pricing models, and benchmark competitors.


  • Use conversational interfaces like chatbots for rapid customer research at scale.


  • Build predictive algorithms that customize experiences and recommend relevant content.


  • Experiment with A/B testing platforms to identify the optimal features and flows.


  • Implement virtual agents that provide 24/7 automated customer support.


  • Continuously improve features based on user analytics and feedback mining.


  • Use AI copywriting to generate marketing content, emails, and ad creatives.

A cohesive, full-stack integration of AI unlocks exponential value across the entire product lifecycle. Take this integrated approach.

The AI Toolkit for PMs

To stay ahead, PMs need to actively build up their AI skills. The learning never stops.

Here are some purpose-built tools to equip yourself with:

  • Data visualization — Tableau, Looker, Power BI
  • User research — Hotjar, UserTesting
  • Competitor analysis — Semrush, SimilarWeb
  • A/B testing — Optimizely, Google Optimize
  • Machine learning — TensorFlow, Ludwig
  • Explainability — LIME, SHAP, Model Cards
  • Bias checking — IBM AI Fairness 360, Deon

In addition, interact directly with AI through:

  • TensorFlow Playground to build intuition through experimentation
  • Notebooks like Colab to write and run AI code
  • Models like HuggingFace to see capabilities firsthand

Dedicate time to continuously learn, experiment, and master what AI can do. Curiosity and critical thinking will light the way forward.


The integration of AI in product management is not just a fleeting trend but a fundamental shift in how products are conceived, developed, and managed. PMs must evolve to stay relevant and effective in this AI-centric landscape.

AI is radically changing product development, and progressive PMs are charging ahead. They are:

  • Upskilling themselves with AI fluency
  • Shepherding responsible and ethical AI adoption
  • Becoming bilingual in human and machine
  • Guiding AI adoption across the product lifecycle
  • Building trust by championing explainability

For PMs ready to embrace this future, an era of unprecedented opportunity awaits. The tools are here. The path is clear. Lead the way.



Liat Ben-Zur

Digital Transformation Leader | Strategic Advisor | PLG, Product Management, IoT & AI Disruption | Diversity & Inclusion | Speaker | Board Member | ex-CVP MSFT