Five ways we’ll drive jobs and growth through trade

Liberal Party of Australia
2 min readMay 26, 2016


Our export agreements with China, Japan and South Korea have opened up massive new opportunities for Australian businesses to grow and employ more people. Now we’re building on our trade success to develop new opportunities for Australian businesses to sell more of their products abroad.

1. Opening new markets

As demand increases for high-quality Australian goods and services, we will grow our economy by enabling businesses to access new customers in more overseas markets. The Coalition is working towards additional and more comprehensive export agreements with major economies, including Indonesia and the European Union. As we sell more overseas we will stimulate more growth back home. We will also secure access for local exporters to the multi-billion dollar government procurement markets of 45 economies through the World Trade Organisation.

2. Encouraging investment

The Coalition understands that when businesses don’t have to pay as much in tax they can invest in new technologies and innovative ways of doing business. That’s why our tax cuts for small businesses are so important — they ensure that Australian companies can be more internationally competitive and are able to invest in equipment and people to help them supply overseas markets. This will lead to thousands of new local jobs.

3. Making it easier to sell abroad

Australian exporters need access to overseas markets as quickly and easily as possible. The Coalition has already developed the successful Australian Trusted Trader program to simplify export processes. Now we are taking the next step by working towards a ‘Single Window’ — one point of contact for export documentation to cut red tape, reduce costs and simplify the processes for business. By reducing their compliance costs, Australian exporters can get back to doing what they do best: growing their businesses and employing more Australians.

4. Educating and connecting business

It’s a big decision for any business to start exporting their products. That’s why the Coalition will connect small and medium sized enterprises with opportunities offered under our export agreements through the use of education seminars and an expanded online information portal. This will give exporters access to up-to-date export market information and will enable them to better understand and connect with potential overseas customers; giving them the confidence they need to grow their business.

5. Ensuring our professionals are recognised overseas

Many Australian professionals, particularly in services industries, are unable to have their Australian qualifications recognised overseas. This can be a barrier to accessing lucrative international contracts. The Coalition will establish a Professional Services Recognition unit to help ensure that key export destinations recognise Australian qualifications. Having mutual recognition arrangements with international regulators will give Australian professionals greater opportunities to export their goods and services to overseas customers.

Learn more about our plan here.



Liberal Party of Australia

Liberal Party of Australia. Authorised by Tony Nutt, Liberal Party of Australia, Cnr Blackall & Macquarie Streets, Barton ACT 2600.