In uncertain times we need stability

Liberal Party of Australia
2 min readJun 27, 2016


Australia needs stable leadership to keep our economy strong.

Now more than ever, it is important to stick with the Coalition’s economic plan that is encouraging investment, supporting economic growth and creating jobs in our economy.

Uncertainty ahead

Australia’s economy is strong and resilient.

But our economic success didn’t come about by accident, and we cannot take it for granted.

Following the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, there has been significant instability in global markets and currencies. In short, this means that investors and businesses are nervous about the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Instability in the economy reduces the incentive to invest, leading to lower economic growth and less job creation.

In this period of significant uncertainty we need to ensure that investors in Australia and from around the world have confidence that our economy is stable and that our government supports strong economic growth.

This period of risk also brings with it great opportunities. That’s why we have a plan to grow our economy and encourage investment and job creation.

Our plan to cut the tax rate for Australian businesses will mean that more businesses can invest in growing and employing more Australians. With a lower tax rate, Australia will also be a more desirable destination for international investors who are looking for stability in an uncertain world.

To keep our economy strong we need political stability and strong economic leadership.

Now is not the time to risk our prosperity

A Labor-Greens-Independent government would bring significant economic instability to Australia.

Labor’s plan to spend more money and put Australia further into debt will risk our national economic credibility and give investors less confidence to invest in Australia.

Bill Shorten’s plan for $100 billion in new and increased taxes will mean that businesses won’t be able to afford to grow and employ more Australians. Australia will become a less desirable and less affordable place to invest. Labor’s opposition to export trade deals signed by the Coalition will make Australia less competitive and mean that fewer Australian businesses can take advantage of the massive opportunities that we have given them in markets like China, Japan and South Korea.

Having a strong and resilient economy means that we can guarantee funding for Medicare and schools, pay down the debt and give our children the opportunities they deserve to have a bright and prosperous future.

But all of this depends on stability in government and a credible plan to strengthen the economy. Only a Turnbull Government can deliver Australians economic leadership and stable governance in these uncertain times.

Click here to find out more about our plan for a strong new economy.



Liberal Party of Australia

Liberal Party of Australia. Authorised by Tony Nutt, Liberal Party of Australia, Cnr Blackall & Macquarie Streets, Barton ACT 2600.