Three Labor lies about healthcare

Liberal Party of Australia
2 min readJun 19, 2016


Bill Shorten doesn’t let the facts get in the way of a good scare campaign.

The truth is that the Turnbull Coalition Government is committed to providing Australians with world class health care.

So let’s set the record straight on the three biggest Labor lies about healthcare:

Labor lie #1: “The Liberals will privatise Medicare”

They’re plain wrong.

Bill Shorten and Labor have been running this ridiculous scare campaign on Medicare, despite knowing full-well it’s not true.


Just to be sure:

And for the record, despite Labor’s scare campaigns, the Coalition is investing an average of $5 billion more per year into Medicare than Labor did.

Labor lie #2: “The Coalition is cutting funding for hospitals”

Completely false.

The Government has provided an additional $2.9 billion in new funding to public hospitals over the next three years. That’s an increase of up to 6.5% a year, with funding to be focused on delivering better patient outcomes, particularly when it comes to caring for patients with chronic and complex needs.

We’re committed to ensuring our healthcare system is properly funded and sustainable.

Labor lie #3: “The Coalition is driving down the bulk-billing rate”

We don’t even know where they pulled this one from! It’s about as wrong as wrong can be.

Bulk billing rates under the Coalition are currently at their highest levels since Medicare began in 1984. In fact, GP bulk billing rates are 85 per cent under the Coalition, compared with an average of about 79 per cent during Labor’s six years in office.

Labor has continued to warn bulk billing rates would crash for the past three years, but the evidence has proven Bill Shorten continues to be the ‘chicken little’ of Australian politics when it comes to health.

Fact: We have a plan for world class healthcare

Click here to find out the facts about our plan to ensure Australians continue to have access to a world class health care system.



Liberal Party of Australia

Liberal Party of Australia. Authorised by Tony Nutt, Liberal Party of Australia, Cnr Blackall & Macquarie Streets, Barton ACT 2600.