13 min readApr 20, 2020
Soldiers and Police Enforce Social Distancing at Market
Check the ammo all to enforce social distancing

How COVID-19 Has Been Used as Terror

I was going to call this “COVID-19 The New State Sponsored Terror”, but I think that would mislead some people into thinking I am claiming the state released it, which may or may not be true, but is not exactly the focus of this article. Instead I am mostly talking about how COVID-19 has been used as terror. I am going to focus on some basic numbers and ideas that I think some people have not been exposed to or considered. I understand the audience here is fairly sophisticated, but my take is that most are making incorrect conclusions about COVID-19 which I will refer to as covid. Some of the numbers vary significantly depending on the source, but even including the variances the numbers are consistent with the ideas I am trying to get across.

I am not going to get into any details on any specific conspiracy theories. Those are out there and in the case of covid I think simply understanding the numbers is enough to support nearly any theory you like. I will, however, at the start make some meta-conspiracy-theory remarks. I am doing this because I think it is relevant to analysis in the case of covid. Towards the end I will mention where I think the lockdowns are leading.

Meta Conspiracy Theory Remarks
Many conspiracy theories have turned out to be true and even underestimates. I could list hundreds of examples, but it would change the topic of this article. Let’s just pick say: NSA surveillance, which was in fact vastly underestimated even by conspiracy theorists.

True theories Banned Across the Web
Oddly although these theories have born massive fruit they are banned across the web. If you don’t believe me read the censorship policies almost anywhere. This banning of conspiracy theories is, by the way, just another another conspiracy come true. Comparing conspiracy theories to scientific theories we see that not all scientific theories have born fruit either. In fact, many scientific theories are found, with hindsight, to be totally preposterous. For example, how about spontaneous generation: fail! I do sort of like that theory, as in there may be something to it, but you have to change it around a bit.

Blanket Conspiracy Theory Denial is a Psychological and Social Disorder
There is a psychological disorder in denying theories outright without consideration, especially when so many have been validated. There is also a social disorder in the blanket censorship of such theories. Yet, these days conspiracy theory denial is the accepted paradigm. Again not just denial, but outright censorship. Not even covert censorship but outright admitted policy censorship. Why would that be? In my opinion the entire criterion around publication and social control is based around a structure that could easily be considered a vast conspiracy. So that’s why I think conspiracy theories are not allowed to be discussed, but you can make your own conclusions. If these platforms want a criterion of censorship I would suggest apply some rules of logic, or the scientific method. That said I am absolutely certain they are not capable of doing it in an unbiased manner. I will mention coming up that even Wikipedia once a great online encyclopedia is now a car lot salesman, and their articles would not stand up to any unbiased moderation or to turn it around if they were promoting unpopular conspiracies the flaws in their articles would suffice to justify censorship and the label of fake news. My point being that if there are any standards they are not applied fairly.

COVID-19 The Numbers
The flu kills 500,000[1] annually, COVID-19 may achieve around 400,000 globally. The number of covid fatalities is as of this writing 154,000[2], [Note: this is a false figure, to be explained], and we appear to be at the midpoint so my estimate is conservative.

COVID-19 Deaths Greatly Inflated
Most locations only test for covid in patients that are already suffering from severe influenza, pneumonia, and other disorders. However, if covid is present it is counted as a covid fatality. Even Bloomberg reports that 99% of covid deaths in Italy were patients with other conditions. In fact almost half had three other illnesses and the median age of death was 80.5[3]. This is a vast and systematic fallacy that somehow goes unnoticed by the bigots at Wikipedia and elsewhere. [I know calling people bigots seems harsh and extreme, and I would never do it, but if you watch the left they use those sorts of words all the time. Furthermore many of the articles on Wikipedia are clear smears against various individuals, and groups. I know, because I have just been reading all the covid sections. Finally, the word is correctly applied.] Can they really claim a death is due to covid in a patient that had pneumonia and a heart attack? Wikipedia is a car lot salesman. See below where they are caught conflating cases with ‘confirmed cases’.

Italy is the worst case scenario for covid because much of the population is very old. Italy averages about 17,000[4] flu deaths a year. In Italy it appears that covid could be the double of the number of flu cases. I base this on the Wikipedia article currently showing 23,000[5] deaths. Is it really possible that all the severe influenza and pneumonia cases in Italy would have survived but were it for covid? The reason I mention that is because most other years they have not all been found to survive. The oddity is that all the fallacies seem to promote and maximize covid hysteria and state interventions called ‘community interventions’. If we were to subtract out what is the normal number of flu and other fatalities occurring in the aged population in Italy we might see the covid death rate as similar to the flu.

In the Philippines so far 397[6] have died from covid. This equals 14 days of traffic fatalities here which sum to more than 10,000[7] a year. It’s looking like covid will achieve something around 30 days of Philippines traffic fatalities in roughly 60 days, in other words even though pneumonia and other conditions count towards covid fatalities the rate is still around half of what happens on the roads there. Five percent of the population in the Philippines is over 65, and this explains the exceptionally low death rate from the covid, influenza, pneumonia trio that now all count towards covid.

To put the numbers in perspective as of this writing, and assuming you know 1,000 people in the Philippines the odds of knowing two people who died of covid is 1.3 x 10-5. Of course this is then impossible, except some doctors or hospital staff get to meet very special population sets. In the Philippines again the odds of knowing two hungry children is much higher. Filipinos are locked down, many without much food. It is likely deaths due to increased crimes will rapidly outpace covid deaths. W.H.O. is responsible for this? Whomever they are they should be brought to trial.

Draconian Lockdowns
In spite of the minuscule (compared to other risks) death rates, the lockdowns themselves especially in the Philippines have been totally Draconian. Bordering infected provinces are locked. ID is required to buy and sell. Armed soldiers and police ring outdoor markets which are now ringed with wire. People are forced to sit in chairs and wait in super crowded conditions to enter markets. Cards are still scanned with bare hands by the same cashier for every customer so that purchase tracking can be maintained. Viruses abound more than usual due to the lockdown conditions, and it is easy to come down with a cold after shopping. Even while the markets are effectively locked buses and crowded Jeepneys still pass by on the roads. It’s probably more clear in the Philippines than in other countries that this is not about preventing the spread of covid, but that there are some other far more serious and nefarious agendas going on such as deliberately causing massive economic harm, and conditioning the population to be locked down.

Wikipedia Data Manipulations and Fallacies

Creating Appearance of High Death Rates
Firstly, death rates appear vastly exaggerated due to conflating ‘cases’ with what they call ‘confirmed cases’. When they say ‘cases' they are really referring to ‘confirmed cases’ which is in fact only the portion of the population that gets tested and then found to have covid, and those are normally the people with other severe conditions such as pneumonia. I do not think most people have the mathematical skills to distinguish the difference. When first visiting any page you will likely see ‘cases’ and deaths, but cases is only confirmed cases and so the ratio appears incredible when in fact it is not. Note: they have started using the wording ‘confirmed cases’ at some points on some pages, but not all and the net effect is still a vast manipulation of most readers.

What is going on is in most countries is that they typically test people that arrive in the hospital with severe influenza and pneumonia. The US has a lower death rate because more are tested. In the limit as testing tends to the entire population covid death rates might well reduce to the same as the flu. If we subtract out deaths from other illnesses instead of adding them to covid deaths the rate would be even less. If we did the same with the flu and only tested people that arrived at the hospital with severe influenza or pneumonia we would see a death rate of at least 1% which would be similar to covid. This is in fact a data manipulation that is brought upon us by the professionals that are supposed to explain these things clearly to the less knowledgeable population.

Fallacy of Incorrect Counting
The second fallacy has to do with deaths. Deaths due to pneumonia, influenza, heart attacks and other conditions when accompanied by covid are counted as covid deaths. Can we assume that none of these deaths would have occurred but were if for covid? This is, of course, totally preposterous and highly misleading. It counts as fake news, and if Wikipedia authors say they are simply quoting other sources then it is a conspiracy to deceive because they presumably are not complete idiots. Wikipedia is car lot salesmen. In fact if patients with the flu and covid that die are all counted towards covid deaths, and we know the flu kills more than covid, we can see that the fallacy is quite far reaching.

Incorrect Reasoning
I found other endless fallacies at Wikipedia to the point that I just use their charts. Of the other fallacies that I found I will mention just one. They have a tree structured graph showing that if one person does not infect another, because they stayed home, that the final level of the graph has multitudes of less deaths. The fallacy is simply assuming that the next person would not otherwise have been infected. Hey, if it’s statistics and science your not supposed to make a massive fallacy.

COVID-19 May or May Not Be Totally ‘Natural’ but Viruses Are
Viruses occur naturally and usually start in Asia and migrate around the globe[8]. Yes, it would be nice if there was not a gigantically overpopulated, and overcrowded, communist country that puts people in crowded concentrated camps, and groups, right in the center of Asia. Yes, it would be nice if W.H.O. did not advocate flights in from that country right after covid ‘appeared’. The point is that unless viruses are made or modified by humans then they are natural. They may even aid in evolution by spreading genetic information, and as much as I would like to see people live forever the fact is that populations benefit when the old are killed by viruses, predators and the like. In other words the relationship is symbiotic. Why is it the left gets why messing with nature messes everything up, but not in the case of viruses? See below here I talk about the risks of ‘community mitigation’.

COVID-19 Infection Rates Are MUCH Higher Than Reported
How is it that we could not contain covid from a few people flying from China, but we can contain hundreds of thousands of cases. Containment is another lie put on us by the leftist bigots that love central control systems. Even they know it is only ‘community mitigation’. Community mitigation only possibly slows the spread. It does not stop it. In reality many more than just the cases we hear about have been exposed to covid. For every person that goes to the hospital with covid there may be hundreds with only mild symptoms.

Are You Sure You Don’t Want Covid?
This time, depending on your age and condition you may have a 99.9% chance of survival, but next time it could be different, especially if you were not exposed to the first round. I will say that in general you should consider building your immune system in the natural manner which includes being exposed to the normal round of viruses each year. Additionally, I will mention that it has been found that vaccinated populations have higher death rates from the flu so I would definitely not be planning on that route.

Community Mitigation May Make Covid More Infectious Next Time Around
Viruses are natural. Why the left does not get that is a bit odd considering their great respect for ecosystems and the disasters they demand will happen when ecosystems are interfered with. Believe it or not viruses are a form of ecosystem. They are on the borderline of life and they coexist with humans. Covid will be back and more dangerous next time. The reason is the community mitigation will cause it to evolve more virulent characteristics. The virus has an optimal infection rate. If it is lower or slower than normal it will adapt. This is a fact of biological systems.

Incredible Economic Damage has been Caused by Community Mitigation
The world economy may never be the same. It is impossible to calculate the economic damage.

Community Mitigation Will Lead to Increased Poverty, Disease, and Death
It is impossible to calculate the number of deaths that will result from the economic harms of community mitigation. The deaths will be the young and the healthy not the old that suffer the same fate from the flu every year. These deaths will be ongoing. The result of malnutrition, crime, poverty, less access to medical care and so forth that will all occur because of ‘community mitigation’, and these are deaths of the young.

This Is Not About COVID-19
This is about locking you down. This is about controlling you. The way systems are set up many interest groups gain small increments of power by participating in the actions of locking down their communities. Even if they do not want such power, which is rare, they may follow orders so they do not lose their jobs. Not to mention, the people higher up that control the basic thugs of society, have many reasons to lock you down. They really do not want 7 billion people threatening their existence.

COVID-19 is about Reducing Consumption and Population Control
On the leftist bigot level it is about reducing your consumption and increasing the power of anyone that works for the control systems. At the higher levels this is about finally culling the worlds populations. Big picture: the covid propaganda is about controlling you, reducing your consumption, and conditioning you for next time which is going to be worse.

Lack of Moral Outrage / Antiseptic Attitudes
One of the unconscious manipulations going on today is that anything can be done by the higher ups and we do not get outraged. For example, YouTube can simply delete channels that have been in existence for years, without reason given or any justifiable cause or meaningful appeal. News articles reporting this are often totally devoid of any sort of outrage. Nor do they investigate what happened to less known channels that were banned and no one cared. Humanity has been deeply controlled. In fact we have lost a good degree of our humanity. We are no longer even supposed to discuss important issues, especially in public, and if you do then there must be something wrong with you. If you accept being locked down and starved even if you know it is a lie than they have already won.

There Will Be Severe Viruses Coming Up
I do not want to give the impression that a pandemic can never happen. In fact I think the occurrence of a true pandemic is likely going forward. When they do release a truly severe virus you really will want to stand clear. Community mitigation is not likely to be sufficient to stop this virus. This virus will likely come with a longer incubation period. This means everyone will be infected before the first case manifests itself. Furthermore, and this is important: as people are reduced to poverty by sequences of lockdowns it gets easier and easier for viruses to spread, and much harder to escape and stand clear. You won’t be able to afford a boat and go out to sea. You will be poor and locked down in overcrowded neighborhoods. The viruses will travel throughout every country and every neighborhood even as people are held captive in their neighborhoods by soldiers. The elites will have self inoculated by advance.

Update: Fox News: "Sources believe coronavirus outbreak originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US", Sources claim WHO was complicit in the coverup, and doctors and journalists who were "disappeared.[9]"  All this matches up with my original title: "COVID-19 The New State Sponsored Terror" that was not used so as to avoid conspiracy theories that always end up being found to be true.Update: Total, total, vindication.  After publishing this an article showed at MarketWatch: "In Boston’s Pine Street Inn, a homeless shelter, 397 people were tested for coronavirus, and 146 tested positive but showed no symptoms."[10]  Please see my section: "COVID-19 Infection Rates Are MUCH Higher Than Reported."  This data supports and validates many of my key points.  I knew this, but could not yet prove it.  This also supports my thesis of data manipulations at Wikipedia.1.   








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