We all snack late night from time to time, but we don’t have to be so bad. When reaching for a treat, we have to make better choices if you want to stay healthy. The food you eat after dinner will just sit in your stomach and add inches to your waistline. I understand eating bad foods at night, it’s natural to have cravings, but there are always better options. I found some great treats that don’t have a ton of calories and are actually pretty good snacks. Try one or all of these out for a healthy alternative to potato chips and ice cream. The later you eat, the worse in general, so try not to overindulge before bedtime.


I love popcorn and now that I know it’s a healthy choice, I love it even more. Popcorn is so versatile, it can be salty, savory or even sweet. It’s all in how you top it that makes it so valuable to your late night snack armada. I wouldn’t trade popcorn for anything. For best results get an air-popper, so you won’t need any oil or a microwave. I avoid microwave anything in general and specifically popcorn. Microwave popcorn has tons of calories and unwanted fat.

Plain popcorn is an extremely healthy option, but it can be so boring. Try spicing it up by adding cayenne pepper or toss it in some olive oil for added taste. Popcorn can be the best late night snack, just make sure you brush vigorously so you get all those pesky kernels out from between your teeth.

Popcorn is one of the best late night snacks you can eat and darn inexpensive too.

Greek Yogurt

The Mediterranean country of Greece strikes again with its healthy yogurt. Greek yogurt is an excellent ice cream replacement, and t has way less calories. Try freezing the yogurt and all your senses will be fooled by this awesome late night snack. Mix in some berries or honey for your sweet tooth. The high protein content will satisfy any hunger pains and keep you full until breakfast.

For a bomb dot com snack, slather some Greek yogurt on a graham cracker and stick it in the freezer. Layer another on to and you have yourself a healthy and delicious “ice cream” sandwich.


The little green fruit that no one seems to know is a fruit. Yes, avocados have a pit, so it’s a fruit. These guys are so versatile and tasty, they can be eaten anytime for a snack. Late night try spreading a ripe avocado on some toast for a great bagel replacement. Bagels are equivalent to eating a whole loaf of bread, so stay far away from those carbohydrate bombs. Avocados can be mixed with Greek yogurt and frozen for a funky ice cream substitute. To really go outside the lines, try mixing in avocado into your brownie recipe in place of butter. The calories saved almost make brownies an acceptable late night snack.


Bananas are a great late night snack as they can be paired with almost anything. By themselves they rock as a treat, but try to mix it up a little. Bananas and some peanut butter together and we are snacking like the King of Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley. Bananas can be blended with other fruits and almond milk to make a healthy and tasty “milkshake.” Try splitting a banana in half, leaving it in the peel and placing that half in the oven. Turn it up to 350 degrees and wait 10 minutes, you now have a super tasty hot banana, an island delicacy.

String Cheese

Eat like you are in elementary school and your mom packed your lunch. String cheese is a great healthy snack that will fill you up with good protein. One of the few healthy snacks parents packed in lunches, string cheese stands the test of time. Instead of chomping down on a slice of pizza, try a little string cheese to satiate your appetite.

Don’t bust your gut with unhealthy late night treats, instead, use these snack secrets, to save your waistline.

Photos courtesy of Food navigator, cute calendar, LoseFast, YouTube, Manhattan, daily Meal

Source: http://lifebru.com/

