đŸ˜đŸ«Healthy Snacks For The Office!

LifeBru ☕
4 min readFeb 23, 2017

Sitting at your desk all day is already terrible for your health and adding in unhealthy snacks doesn’t help. Stand up desks are now all the rage because we realize that sitting for long periods of time is making us fatter. What some don’t comprehend though, is that sitting is only half the problem.

Many of us eat poorly when we are working because its convenient, which is a terrible excuse. All you have to do to eat healthier is to prepare and plan ahead. Diets aren’t convenient unless you make them that way. By simply planning ahead, we can all eat healthier and still snack easily.

Here are some great healthy snacks that can be kept in your desk at work to keep you full of energy and nutrients.


Seeds are little powerful snacks that pack all the nutrients you need to get you through a long day at work. Try leaving some shelled sunflower seeds in your desk for a great afternoon pick me up.


Awesome sources of protein and healthy fats, nuts can be kept in plastic bags in desks for long periods of time, making a handy snack. Hikers and adventurers had it right this whole time; trail mixes are always full of nuts. Stick with raw nuts so all the nutrients aren’t cooked out of them.

Dried fruit

These make the perfect afternoon snack that secretly packs fiber for your intestinal fortitude. Dried fruits are sweet enough to give you energy put aren’t packed with processed sugars like most candy. Don’t eat too many as they are still full of natural sugar, so you will have a crash for sure.

Nut Butter

Peanut butter and almond butter store perfectly in your desk and can be paired with fruits for an ultimate snack. Apple slices and some peanut butter will fuel you for an entire afternoon of work.


Jerky is an awesomely powerful snack; just make sure they are low in sodium. Craving meat, jerky will satisfy any hankering and provide you with protein for the entire day.

Pop Corn

Disclaimer: Stay away from microwaved anything but especially popcorn, instead use air-popped. Please do your coworkers a favor and never cook popcorn in an office setting. The smell of burning popcorn will linger all day and make you an enemy of your entire office. Try popping some at home and put a snacks worth in a plastic bag.

Seaweed snacks

Dried seaweed snacks are delicious and popping up at all the health food stores. Not only tasty, these snacks pack nutrients into a perfectly portable package.


A can of tuna can last forever and is easily made into a meal. Just add some crackers and you have mini tuna sandwiches to fuel your day. These are another snack that may cause office problems, make sure the smell isn’t too strong or you may soon become the least favorite person in your office.

Dark Chocolate

Ahh, finally a sweet treat, dark chocolate is a perfect little snack. Keep a few squares of rich, dark chocolate in your desk drawers to get you over that 3pm hump. Milk chocolate has too much sugar and white is just a sugary bomb.

Keep these healthy snacks in your desk to curb hunger and keep the pounds form piling on. Eating healthy isn’t hard as long as you take some time to prep and plan ahead.

Photos courtesy of Hurryietelle, gettingmyhealthyon, KRRB, Pinterest, wellCA

Source: http://lifebru.com/

