Navigating the Body Count Conversation: What Matters and What Doesn’t

4 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

The Significance of Body Count 🤔

Body count, or the number of sexual partners someone has had, is a topic that often sparks debate and strong opinions. While some individuals place significant importance on this metric, others view it as irrelevant. The perspectives shared by the group of women in this discussion highlight the complexities and nuances surrounding this sensitive subject.

Does Body Count Matter? 🤷‍♀️

The women’s opinions on whether body count matters are diverse and thought-provoking. Some believe it matters to a certain extent, as it can provide insights into a person’s values, commitment, and potential for relationship issues. Others feel that a person’s past should not define them and that loyalty, safety, and compatibility are far more important factors.

One participant notes, “My gut says yes, but being a real woman in today’s world, somebody’s past shouldn’t affect how you look at them moving forward.” This highlights the tension between personal preferences and the societal pressures and double standards that often surround this topic.

The Double Standard and Hypocrisy 🙄

The group also discusses the double standard that often exists when it comes to body count, where men are often given more leeway or even praised for having multiple partners, while women are judged and stigmatized for the same behavior. As one participant points out, “if a guy is saying something like ah, that girl is such a sludge, subscribe, then immediately they’re unattractive to me.”

The women emphasize the importance of not being hypocritical, noting that if someone values a low body count in a partner, they should hold themselves to the same standard. As one participant states, “if it matters to you then you should be kind of following the same thing for your life too.”

Assessing Commitment and Compatibility 💍

While the women acknowledge that body count can be a factor in assessing a potential partner’s values and commitment, they also recognize that it’s not the be-all and end-all. As one participant explains, “I like men who you know, they want to find a good woman to be with, they want to find a good lady to have next to their side, not just running around and sleeping with anybody or anything.”

The discussion highlights the importance of aligning on core values and finding someone who shares your perspective on relationships and intimacy, rather than solely focusing on a numerical body count.

Honesty and Disclosure 🤥

The women also explore the issue of honesty when it comes to discussing body count. They acknowledge that many people, both men and women, may not be entirely truthful about their sexual histories, either due to shame, judgment, or simply not keeping track. As one participant notes, “people could definitely lie absolutely. I think most women would say it’s three to five less than probably typically what it is just because exactly like you said that stigma of well you’re this and you’re that just because of who you were.”

This raises the question of whether asking about body count is even worthwhile, as the information provided may not be accurate or reliable.

Inexperience and Insecurities 😟

The discussion also touches on the insecurities and concerns that some men may have if they have a lower body count or no sexual experience at all. The women acknowledge that this can be a sensitive topic, with one participant sharing, “I know a lot of guys will write to me and say that they feel like insecure or embarrassed if they’ve never slept with anyone or if they have a low body count.”

However, the women emphasize that a person’s worth and potential as a partner is not defined by their sexual history. As one participant states, “just because you’ve slept with 50 girls doesn’t mean you’re good at it or does it mean you’ll be good with the girl that you’re dating now. It’s really about communication and a connection between two people.”

Focusing on Compatibility and Connection 🤝

Ultimately, the women in this discussion suggest that the focus should be on finding a partner with whom you share core values, emotional and physical compatibility, and a genuine connection. As one participant eloquently summarizes, “it’s really about being connected about it, but I think people put way too much pressure on themselves about sex and obviously with porn that affects your mental health and I think like putting that pressure on yourself all the time is so unnecessary because there are so many more important things in life and relationships and friendships and just everything than sex.”

By shifting the conversation away from arbitrary numbers and towards the deeper aspects of a relationship, individuals can navigate the body count discussion with more nuance and understanding, ultimately leading to more fulfilling and meaningful connections.

