
2 min readApr 27, 2017


When you hear the phrase homeless person, what do you automatically see in your head, how do you profile an average homeless person?

When I think of a homeless person I think of someone that has had unfortunate things happen to them in their life that has out them in a point of not having enough money to live off of the streets. I see someone with possibly dirty clothes that has been on the street.

Do you think homelessness is a problem that can be fixed, why or why not?

I think it is a hard problem to fix but I believe that it can be done. I think it is a problem of trying to give them some opportunities because it is harder for them to get opportunities when being homeless.

How/why do you think these people end up on the street?

I think people have hard times in life and sometimes end up getting the short stick in life. I also believe that people sometimes don’t make the best decisions in life and it puts them on the streets.

For the first video, I was surprised to see that up to 75% of homeless people don’t get the benefits they are entitled to. I was also surprised to see that 20% of homeless people in 2015 in LA was because of domestic violence.

In the article, this quote caught my attention. “ About 15 percent are so-called chronically homeless, which means they haven’t had a permanent home in years, and often cycle through jails, hospitals and homeless shelters in search of a place to lay their heads.” I didn’t know that people have been on the streets for so long and some their entire life.

